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Harry's P.O.V.

I was sitting next to Autumn's bed in the hospital. She was unconscious but the doctors said that she'll be fine.

She lost a lot of blood but they were able to save her in time. I played with her fingers.

Why would she do this to herself? I felt like I failed her. When she stormed off yesterday night. I should've went after her to make sure she was okay.

But I didn't. She selfed harmed and almost died.

"I'm sorry Autumn," I said. I sighed, I've been apologizing a lot. "I should've made sure you were okay. I'm sorry I failed you." She was unconscious but maybe she could still her me if I talked to her. I started singing to her.

Girl I see it in your eyes you're disappointed

'Cause I'm the foolish one that you anointed with your heart

I tore it apart

And girl what a mess I made upon your innocence

And no woman in the world deserves this

But here I am asking you for one more chance

Can we fall one more time?

Stop the tape and rewind

Oh, and if you walk away

I know I'll fade

'Cause there is nobody else

It's gotta be you

Only you

It's got to be you

Only you

Hey (hey)

Now, girl, I hear it in your voice and how it trembles

When you speak to me I don't resemble who I was

You've almost had enough

And your actions speak louder than your words

And you're about to break from all you've heard

But don't be scared, I ain't going nowhere

I'll be here by your side

No more fears, no more crying

But if you walk away

I know I'll fade

'Cause there is nobody else

It's gotta be you

Only you

It's got to be you

Only you

Oh, girl,

Can we try one more, one more time?

One more, one more?

Can we try one more, one more time?

I'll make it better

One more, one more,

Can we try one more, one more...

Can we try one more time and make it all better?

'Cause it's gotta be you

It's gotta be you

Only you

Only you

It's gotta be you

Only you

It's got to be you

Only you

I finished singing and I kissed her on her forehead. I felt her squeeze my hand. I was shocked. She can hear me, and move again.

The next thing that happened though was more shocking.

In the room it was quiet except the beeping of a flat line.

-10 years later-

"Daddy, Daddy pick me up. I want a turn next," my baby girl said.

I chuckled alright. I put down Darcy and picked up Isabell. I pretended to be an airplane and fly her around.

My beautiful wife entered the room.

I kissed Sophie. And thought back to 10 years ago.

I thought I'll marry Autumn. Yes, I was in love with her but, I moved on.

She died in the hospital and I mourned for a long time. Liam had to force me to go to her funeral.

I realized it wasn't my fault that she died. She killed herself. She was strong and fought the pain for many years but, she couldn't do it anymore and it lead to suicide.

Her father was a horrible person but later me and the lads got him locked up.

Jake and I moved on. We still miss her and I will always love her but, we couldn't mourn about it forever.

(This epilogue isn't real btw I just wanted to scare you guys AUTUMN ISN'T DEAD. ;) read on if you want to


Niall though, he took it the hardest. He was completely and utterly in love with her. He never moved on and still isn't over it. We check on him everyday to see if he's okay.

I feel so bad for him.

I think Autumn helped me. She was so special to me and made me realize what true love was. I was truly in love with her, and when I finally started to move on. I knew I was also truly in love with Sophie too.

Sometimes I think Autumn was being selfish killing herself like that. She knew I loved her and that I would protect her. She never said she loved me back and she knew how much some of us would miss her.

I sighed. I need to stop thinking about it. It's stressing me out.

"How old are you," Isabell asked, she was 4 and was talking really well already.

Darcy was only 1 and a half and didn't know much English still in her learning stage.

"Same age as you of course," I told my little girl.

"Really her eyes brightened. She had blue eyes like her mom. While Darcy had my green ones.


She giggled.

I loved them all. Isabell, Darcy, and Sophie, and hopefully Harry jr in Sophie's stomach.

Everything was wonderful and I loved it.

(A/N Hey! Who liked the epilouge? What!? No one did? Oh okay. Btw this isn't a real epilogue. Their isn't going to be an epilogue because a sequel is coming soon duh. This is just a prank because, I was bored and wanted to scare the shit out of some people. I know, I know. I'M A HORRIBLE PERSON XD. Love you guys. Have a nice day.

Aubree~ The Prankster)

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