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Severus sighed deeply as he donned his cloak before heading out of his quarters and to the front gates. Here, Argus opened the gates with an ugly grimace on his face. Severus remained impassive until the caretaker had hobbled away, taking his mangy cat with him. As soon as he stepped outside the school grounds, Severus apparated on the spot and was spat out outside Gringotts Bank.

He had been summed by the head of the bank directly ten minutes prior, and he had had no choice but to get the headmaster's clearance to leave school grounds immediately. The last thing one should do is leave a goblin waiting.

Brushing invisible dust from his shoulder, Severus swooped into the bank, finding a goblin waiting for him morosely. Silently, the goblin gestured for the man to follow him, and Severus found himself on the same cart ride that Hazel had been on only an hour prior. Once they stepped from the cart, the goblin, a different one from the one that had taken Hazel to the office, confidently knocked on one of the doors and promptly stepped back.

A short pause later, Severus walked through the now open door only to be greeted by a half-goblin and a crying Potter. Severus grimaced. Not only does he hate Potter, but he hates crying, children. Why, of all people, had the bank summoned him? Surely, Minerva would have been the better option here.

The half-goblin stood from his seat, summoned a second high-back chair, this one black leather, and gestured for Severus to sit. Severus did with great displeasure. He really did not want to be there.

"Professor Snape, thank you for arriving so promptly; I am afraid that we have found some... troubling discrepancies within Ms Potter's banking history, which I feel you should see." The bank's head goblin said. Severus had heard rumours about the head of the bank. Nobody, not even the bank tellers, has ever seen him. Severus wonders if the fact that he's only half-goblin has anything to do with that.

"And, pray tell, what does her banking history have anything to do with me?" Severus asked with thinly veiled annoyance. He had better things to do than to sit around talking about one of his student's silly spending habits.

He noticed that Potter had gone quiet. He glanced over to her to find she had stopped crying and gone scarily still and pale. She was hardly blinking and was staring into space, an odd tear falling from her eyes every now and again.

He raised an eyebrow. It was serious then.

The half-goblin sighed deeply before he spoke, "All will become clear when you read these documents,' was all the half-goblin said, handing him over four sheets of parchment. Severus grumbled, pulling a pair of reading glasses from his inside pocket before reading the documents.

Severus only managed to read her birth certificate before a sharp pain stabbed through his brain, cold, like ice

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Severus only managed to read her birth certificate before a sharp pain stabbed through his brain, cold, like ice. Severus gasped and clutched his head, the documents fluttering to the floor in some sick imitation of celebratory confetti as he heard an audible snap in his head. Memories of bringing his baby girl into this world flooded his brain, and he sobbed as he remembered the day she was taken from their family home. The day she was literally ripped from his arms.

Severus stood so forcefully that he nearly tipped the chair, but he didn't care; he needed to get to his baby. His Hyacinth.

Scooping the small girl into his arms, Severus sat and placed her on his lap. He could only sob into her hair and repeat needless apologies as he rocked them back and forth in the chair she once sat in.

Ludlig could only watch on as the scene played out before him. He summoned tea to the room and poured three cups while he waited, wanting to give them the time and space they so desperately needed.

Once everyone was calmer, cups of tea in hand, Ludlig stood from his chair and approached one of his shelves. Here he pulled a potion, iridescent in colour, from a shelf and made his way back to his seat, placing the potion on the desk in front of him.

"This potion will remove the glamour and take with it most, if not all, of the compulsions, spells and charms. I must warn you, though, Ms Riddle-Snape, that it will hurt. You may pass out from the pain. Would you like to remove the glamour" Ludlig asked, the severity in his words heavy in his voice. Hyacinth nodded silently.

The trio moved to the couch where Hyacinth sat. Severus sat next to her, placing a supportive hand on her shoulder while Ludlig sat on the armchair he sat in earlier. Severus took the potion bottle from Ludlig and gently coaxed Hyacinth to drink. The taste of the potion made her grimace, and it took effect immediately. She screamed. A gut-wrenching, agony-filled scream that had Severus nearly crying again.

She thrashed in Severus' hold, and he found he had to stand up and move away from her. She screamed again, tears rolling down her cheeks from tightly closed eyes before she promptly passed out.

Snakes and Ladders (Fem!HPxLM) (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now