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The potions worked wonders for Hyacinth. A month on from the first initial meeting with the healer, whose name Hyacinth had learnt to be Madame Sage Dempsey, and she had gained a significant amount of weight. Whereby she was originally 93 lbs, she now weighed a healthy 130 lbs and couldn't be happier. Her attitude towards food was also changing; instead of feeling guilty or wrong for eating, she had begun to enjoy eating and even started cooking all the meals on Fridays and the weekends, which gave the kitchen house elves three-day breaks every week. 

The first time she cooked in the kitchen, the house elves had all beaten themselves with shame, thinking they had done wrong by their masters and had begged at Lucius' feet for him to forgive them. Still, they then bore witness to how much fun their little missy, as they called Hyacinth, cooking, and so they grew to accept the change, using the days off and the money they earned to buy new cookbooks and find recipes for Hyacinth to attempt at making. 

Madame Sage was pleased about Hyacinth's progress and made sure to tell her as such, recognising that Hyacinth seemed to light up in a beautifully shy way when complimented. The therapy sessions she was having were helping too, and she couldn't help but feel different and happier. They had even started weaning her off the daily potions, agreeing that she now had a better outlook on food and eating. 

Because she had won the Triwizard tournament and become an adult in the eyes of magic, her coming-of-age ball would age her approximately one year older than she already was. The thought was odd to her, turning 16 a month after turning 15, but she had found peace with the concept and had plans to announce who she wanted as her chosen the night of her coming-of-age ball. 

The morning of her ball, Hyacinth woke up and was extremely reluctant to get out of bed, her blanket surrounding her in a cocoon of soft warmth that she didn't want to leave. She dragged herself from the bed, however, knowing she had a lot to do but stopped in her tracks, noticing Bellatrix stood just under the frame that Narcissa occupied; both had matching, sly, secretive smiles on their faces, and Hyacinth began to worry. She knew Narcissa was just a portrait, but Bellatrix wasn't, so there was no telling what they were doing. 

"What are you up to?" She asked, unsure she truly wanted to know the answer to her question, her face saying as much. 

Bellatrix chuckled a little and pressed a finger to her lips, shaking her head, so her curls shook wildly. 

"It's a secret, Cinthy; just go have a bath. Everything will be ready by the time you're finished in there," She said, walking over to Hyacinth and ushering her into the bathroom, giggling all the way. 

"Okayyy", Hyacinth said, confusion in her voice, but she accepted her fate and went to draw a bath. 

She made sure to use soft fragrances in the bath water, using rose and lemongrass oil. She pulled her nightgown over her head and unwound her long hair out of the plaits she had slept in, admiring the loose, pretty curls that just grazed the floor and framed her body that was now soft and pliant under her hands instead of pulled tight over her bones. 

She couldn't deny that she felt sexy and just good about herself

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She couldn't deny that she felt sexy and just good about herself. Her hands traced her new curves over the sportswear she wore under her sleep clothes with a gentle touch. She grinned at herself in the mirror before pulling off the sportswear and lowered herself into the bath, which was the perfect temperature to relax. 

So as to not get her already clean hair wet, she gathered as much of it as she could and threw it into a very messy but practical for its purpose bun. What she couldn't get into the bun, she draped over the side of the bath and sank slightly lower into the tub and relaxed. 

She drifted off for a while, the warm water and fragrances lulling her into a light sleep. An incessant knocking on the bathroom door woke her up. Bellatrix swooped in, in a flurry of ferocious curls and black swooping lace. 

"Up, up, up and out, little one, your surprise is here", she demanded, clapping her hands and waving in a come hither motion. 

Hyacinth slowly stood up and stepped out of the bath, allowing Bellatrix to sweep her up in a fluffy bathrobe before she was ushered into her bedroom with great urgency. 

She froze and pulled her robe around her a little further, shocked to see two women she didn't recognise sitting on her sofa, drinking tea and chatting with Narcissa's portrait. 

One was a beautiful black woman with a smooth and flawless complexion and a face that looked like it belonged in a magazine. She was elegant looking, regal from how she sat to how she held her teacup.

 She was elegant looking, regal from how she sat to how she held her teacup

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The other woman was just as beautiful. She seemed slightly younger than the other woman, with a tanned complexion and startling blue eyes. She, too, held herself with grace and poise.

She was pulled out of her observations by Narcissa speaking up

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She was pulled out of her observations by Narcissa speaking up. 

"Ah, ladies, she's here. Darlings, I want you to meet Hyacinth Riddle-Snape," Narcissa introduced, and the two women turned in their spots on the sofa to face in her direction. The black woman smiled sunnily at her whilst the other woman offered her a ghost of a smile and a slight nod in greeting. 

Hyacinth smiled back, confusion behind the smile and in her eyes. To alleviate her confusion, Bellatrix spoke, introducing the two women to her. 

"Cinth, this is Constance Zabini," she gestured to the black woman, and Hyacinth tried not to gawk; this was Blaize Zabini's mother, "And this is Noémie Dubois", she finished, gesturing to the tanned woman.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Hyacinth", Constance said, standing from the sofa and surprising Hyacinth with her height. At least 6ft 5. She swooped Hyacinth into a gentle hug which considering the height difference, should've felt more awkward than it did. Instead, it felt comforting. 

"We're here to help you get ready for the ball", Noémie spoke up, approaching Hyacinth with an extended hand for a handshake. She had a notable and heavy French accent. 

She looked to Bellatrix, who grinned at her, her teeth no longer blackened and rotting. Hyacinth had a feeling she was in for a long ride.

A/N I just want to point out that the picture of the woman's body is simply how I imagine Hyacinth to look after gaining weight. It is not there to make anyone feel bad about their body. You are all beautiful in your own right and that beauty is not defined by your size. Love yous <3

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