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Dumbledore watched as the newspaper burned in his fireplace with little satisfaction

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Dumbledore watched as the newspaper burned in his fireplace with little satisfaction. Where had he gone wrong? How is it that his secrets were being pulled out of his shadow and cast into the light for all to see? For so long, he had controlled the narrative, tugged on the puppet strings and now. Now it was all crumbling down before him, and he didn't know how to piece it back together again.

His face twisted into an ugly sneer at the thought of the oldest Weasley brat. He had always kept Bill out of his plans, a move he was now profoundly regretting, keeping everything between himself, Molly and the two youngest of her offspring, and he half wished he had used a different family instead.

But the Weasley's were oh so easy to manipulate; all he had to do was dangle some money in their direction, and they fell at his feet. Pitiful really.

The Granger girl was also easy to get under his thumb—a showoff with the need for attention at all times. Dangle a new book at her, a chance for her to once again know something others don't, and she would flip on anyone to get it. 

For good reasons, he kept the rest of the Weasley's out of his plans. Bill was a stick in the mud with solid morals and would've spoiled everything before it even started; Charlie was already halfway across the world and was too soft-hearted for what he would be needed to do. The twins would've come in useful as sometimes they could be downright vindictive with their pranks and ideas, but they too had a strong moral code and would've been more trouble than they were worth, and Arthur barely knew what day it was half of the time and would've been useless.

Molly was easy to manipulate, naive, but with just the right amount of vindictiveness in her, she got her youngest two on board with his plan.

Molly had been dousing Arthur with love potions since their 5th year, so Dumbledore knew she had it in her to do what he needed of her, but now his plans were backfiring, and he had no ammunition to fire back. He was at a loss.

At Malfoy Manor, Hyacinth watched as Charlie, Fred, George, and Draco played quidditch 2 v 2, Fred and Draco against Charlie and George. They had asked her if she wanted to join, but she declined. She had had enough of Quiddich. It was something else she had done out of the expectations of others. 

Instead, she read the Daily Prophet, a smile brightening her features at the main story. She had been curious to know how they had proven the stealing. It turns out that if you pay Ludlig enough, he can work a little goblin magic to alter the details of an official Gringrotts document without notifying any authorities. Not technically legal, but he was more than happy to help, or so the twins had said. 

Hyacinth sipped at her tea and smiled happily at seeing all four of her boys playing quidditch. And she didn't miss the bright blush on Draco's face when Charlie brushed passed him on his broom.

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