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The news spread fast. Of course, it would. Anything and everything to do with the Chosen One spreads like wildfire, first around the school, then to the parents, the parent's friends and family. Before you know it, everyone knows the full story of whatever Hazel Potter had done. This time was different, though; a sense of dread followed this time. For the Chosen One was missing. Not only was she missing, but she was presumed dead.

Frantic whispers pierced the air of the great hall. Severus watched from his place at the high table with a barely hidden smirk as children and teachers panicked over the whereabouts of the girl who lived. He couldn't suppress the disgusted expression that took over his features when he saw the crocodile tears from the Granger girl and the fake worried expression on the youngest Weasley boy's face. 

Severus silently sipped his coffee as he picked up his morning copy of The Daily Prophet and smirked behind his cup. Nothing was better than a good news story with his breakfast in the morning.

 Nothing was better than a good news story with his breakfast in the morning

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Skeeter did a great job. He had paid her a tidy sum to word the article as she had, but he found he couldn't fault the article. She would be useful in the future, so Severus planned to keep her in her good books. 

Severus surveyed the room, his eyes landing on the apprehensive face of his godson sitting at Slytherin's table. Catching his eye, Severus raised a questioning eyebrow. Draco shook his head and mouthed the word 'later'. Severus inclined his head in a slight nod and went back to his coffee and breakfast. 

He was much more relaxed that morning, knowing his daughter was safely tucked away in his home with his house elf, Zospy, taking good care of her. His house elf was a loyal and caring creature, and she had been so happy to see the return of her 'Little miss'. He knew he could trust her to take care of her.

Finishing his meal, he rose from his seat and noticed Draco standing from his seat and rushing out of the doors. Knowing his godson would be running to his chambers to speak with him, Severus hastened his stride and left through the staff door, hidden behind a garish purple and green tapestry that Severus found tacky and painful to look at.

Sweeping through the halls with long strides, Severus parted the sea of students like Moses parted the Red Sea and made his way to his chambers, where he found Draco waiting outside his chamber doors, impatiently pacing back and forth and biting at the nail of his thumb.

"Stop pacing, Draco, you'll wear a hole in the floor," Severus said dryly, "and stop biting your nails. Your father would have a stroke if he knew."

Draco scoffed and glared at his Godfather. He gestured for him to open the door and refused to speak until the door had closed behind her, and Severus had cast a Muffliato.

"Ok. What do you know about Potter's disappearance?" he asked as soon as the charm went up. Severus raised his eyebrow.

"What makes you think I know anything?" He replied, trying to keep the surprise at his godson's observation out of his voice. Draco scoffed and rolled his eyes in a way only a Malfoy could.

"Please, you are far too smug not to know something," he said snarkily, and Severus had half a mind to clip him round the ear hole for it. But. Even he knew he couldn't punish someone for being right, and he sighed before telling his godson the events of the day before. Draco's mouth hung open unattractively by the end of his godfather's story, and Severus tutted at him. 

"Close your mouth, Draco, it's unbecoming", He scolded, and Draco snapped his mouth shut and smiled sheepishly.

"Sorry", he muttered and paused, furrowing his brow in thought, "You say, Pott- er Hyacinth is hiding out at your home, correct?"

Severus nodded in the affirmative. 

Draco shook his head. "Bring her to the Manor tonight", he demanded, and Severus reeled back in shock at the firmness in his voice.

"Why?" Severus asked, sure his daughter would be safe at his home. Draco seemed to disagree, however, because he threw his hands up in frustration.

"Your home is the first place they will go looking for her. Dumbledore especially. He knew Hazel Potter was your daughter; there's no way he couldn't have. The first person they will look at is you, Severus". 

Severus' face blanched before panic took over. Draco calmed him with his following words, however.

"Just bring her to the Manor either this afternoon or early this evening. I'll get in touch with father and let him know, make sure she's prepared and ready by noon at the latest," he explained, and Severus nodded. Before Draco could rush out, Severus thanked him. Draco smiled and nodded to him once before running out of the room. 

Severus stood and walked to his fireplace, picking up a handful of floo powder and calling out his address. He needed to get his daughter prepared.

Snakes and Ladders (Fem!HPxLM) (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now