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Time trickled by, and before she knew it, the time for her to announce who her chosen was had snuck up on her. Draco gently pulled her away from a conversation with someone who, to be quite frank, she couldn't remember the name of. He had an impressive moustache paired with a thick Russian accent and was a very entertaining conversationalist. 

"Who was that?" she whispered to Draco as he gently pulled her through and around the crowd. He chuckled.

"That was Igor Kozlov. He's the ambassador for the Wizarding Republic of Russia if the accent didn't give it away," he joked, "Fun fact, his last name means goat."

Hyacinth burst out laughing, drawing the attention of those standing nearby. They didn't look annoyed at her outburst, however. Instead, they smiled at her, seemingly happy at her happiness. 

It took a while of dodging ambassadors and pureblood nobility before they reached her parents, who were waiting at the base of a small stage. Her father took her hand and helped her onto the stage, keeping hold of her hand to steady her and simply for the comfort it brought both of them. 

Slowly, guests began to notice her standing on the stage and gave her their attention. Once she was sure she had their attention, she cast another Sonorus. 

"As some of you may have heard, tonight I will be announcing my chosen. In fact, I have two to announce to you." She said cryptically, smiling a little at the confused faces around the room. In a frame at the back of the room, she noticed Narcissa throw her hands up in exasperation and hid a giggle behind a slight cough. 

"While I know it isn't usually advisable to have more than one chosen at the same time, I understand that it is a bonding experience. As such, I want to ask Mother, Father, will you do me the honour of being my chosens? The prospect of you both being my parents is still something that I am unused to, and I would like to use the bonding experience that this concept will give us as a chance to get to know you both. Would you be willing to allow me this? Will you allow me to learn how to be your daughter?" Hyacinth asked, her voice thick with emotion as she locked eyes with her parents. 

With their eyes filled with tears, her parents nodded frantically as Tom pulled her off the stage and into a tight embrace. The room was quiet for a few seconds as the crowd looked on at the emotional scene before someone started a round of applause. 

Hyacinth cancelled the Sonorus and nodded towards Bellatrix, who was standing nearby. Bellatrix approached them and handed Hyacinth two matching, opulent boxes. Bright red roses were on every face of the box. They were a pink pearlescent colour with gold around the edges and gold filigree in the corners and by the edges of the box. 

Inside the boxes were matching wooden backed hair brushes, each hand-painted with pink roses with a pink bow at the hilt of the handle

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Inside the boxes were matching wooden backed hair brushes, each hand-painted with pink roses with a pink bow at the hilt of the handle. 

Hyacinth handed a box to her mother and one to her father with a watery smile

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Hyacinth handed a box to her mother and one to her father with a watery smile. 

"Thank you", she whispered, and they pulled her into a gentle, loving hug, planting a soft kiss on the crown of her head. 

Hyacinth suddenly got whisked away by the twins as they pulled her into the centre of the room and began dancing with her. Her parents watched on with tears in their eyes as their daughter glowed as she danced, her dark hair fanning out as she spun in time to the music. Her laugh rang out through the ballroom as the attendees watched on. 

Tom likened her laugh to the sound of tinkling bells. He smiled. All he had ever wanted was for his child to be free, and here she was, laughing and dancing in a way that only one that was free could do so.

A half-hour later and Hyacinth got gently pulled away from dancing by Bellatrix. Her Godmother led her to where Constance and Noémie stood, holding a flute of champagne each. Once Constance noticed the pair drawing nearer to them, she silently took Noémie's flute and placed both on a nearby table.  

"Oh, congratulations, darling," Constance gushed, pulling Hyacinth into a comforting hug, "A chosen is a big deal in the magical world, but I'm sure you already know that. We have half an hour to prepare you for your ageing up ceremony. Come." 

The three women silently led her out of the bustling ballroom and back to her bedroom. She was secretly glad for the break. Her social battery was seriously beginning to drain. 

Constance and Noémie helped Hyacinth out of her dress, placing it on a mannequin to return to later. Constance then pulled out her ritual dress, a floor-length white silk dress with a white lace overlay. 

Constance used her wand to remove the butterfly clips from Hyacinth's hair with one quick flick

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Constance used her wand to remove the butterfly clips from Hyacinth's hair with one quick flick. Noémie took the time to help Hyacinth out of her heels, for she had to be barefooted for the ritual. 

As they helped her into her ritual dress, Hyacinth posed a question. 

"Constance, Noémie, I wanted to ask if you would both stay the night. I wish to make you breakfast in the morning as thanks for tonight. Constance, I know your son is here tonight, and I would like you to know he is also welcome to stay the night." Was her question as they busied themselves with arranging her dress so that it fell around her gracefully. 

Constance paused and smiled, "I would love to, darling", was her reply before she looked to Noémie. 

Noémie seemed to ponder for a while before her face split with the biggest and brightest grin Hyacinth had ever seen. The usually stoic woman nodded frantically and replied in French. 

"J'aimerais beaucoup, Hyacinthe. Tu es un ange sur Terre," The French woman said. Hyacinth had minimal knowledge of French but managed to get the gist of what she had said and gathered from the frantic nodding that Noémie had done that she was happy with the proposal. 

Hyacinth smiled. "That's settled then," she said, "Once I'm done with my ritual, I will speak to Lord Malfoy about having some rooms made up for you both." 

Hyacinth looked up at Narcissa's portrait at the telltale sound of the woman's laugh. At Hyacinth's confused look, Narcissa sighed slightly. 

"My dear, you are allowed to call him Lucius. He hates being called Lord Malfoy. It's what his father demanded to be called." The woman explained, causing Hyacinth to blush something fierce. 

She nodded mutely although she knew speaking to Lucius Malfoy would not be easy on her or her growing crush on him. Oh, Gods, she was in trouble. 


J'aimerais beaucoup, Hyacinthe. Tu es un ange sur Terre = I would like that very much, Hyacinth. You are an angel on Earth

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