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The twins hadn't needed the calming draughts. However, Severus had respectfully disagreed with that notion after seeing the documents because both twins had, in Draco's words, "secretly flipped their fucking lids".

George's rage was more outward and presented itself in the clenching of his jaw and the balling of his fists. Fred's rage was more inward, only seen in the tense line of his shoulders and the blank, stone-like expression that took over his face.

Severus believed they had only kept calm due to Hyacinth's presence, for which he was grateful. The last thing he wanted to be dealing with was a trashed room, and the last, last thing he wanted to deal with was Lucius' temper tantrum at a trashed room. Nothing was as bad as a Malfoy Meltdown. Draco was proof of that. 

After going over some arbitrary questions from the twins, Severus leaned back in his chair once the four teens had left and nursed a glass of fire whiskey in his hand, Tom pacing behind his chair like a lion, ready to pounce. Severus sighed, growing annoyed at the constant back and forth of his husband's pacing.

"Tom, sit down, please", he sighed, bringing a hand up to rub at his temples. Tom immediately stopped pacing and sat down like a little child who was about to get into trouble. Severus levelled a look at him, one that spoke louder than any words. "I'm not mad, Tom, just tired."

Tom nodded before his face crumbled, and he looked close to tears; Severus leapt up from his seat, glass of fire whiskey discarded on the floor with no mind to the mess, and he gathered Tom in his arms.

"She's been through so much, Severus. So much, and she was on her own. She had to do it on her own, just like we had to. I promised her she would never live like us when she was born. That she would grow up never wanting for anything because anything she wanted, we'd be there to give her," Tom sobbed, pain heavy in his voice, and Severus bit back tears. "But we weren't", Tom finished in almost a wail voice full of heartbreak at his own perceived failures as a father. 

They both looked up at a noise near the door, shocked to find Hyacinth in the doorway, her eyes filled with tears. She let out a loud sob before she rushed them, a tiny firecracker of a thing that nearly bowled them over as she flung herself at her parents.

"It's not your fault", she whispered, "It was never your fault", and they cried and grieved together for what their lives could have been. 

Snakes and Ladders (Fem!HPxLM) (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now