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Albus Dumbledore screwed the parchment up in a tightly clenched fist and tried to keep his rage below the surface. Three. Three howlers he had received from the insufferable Molly Weasley. He had had to turn away her brood of equally insufferable children four times. Though he suspected that the twins were asking after her out of genuine concern for her wellbeing, the rest couldn't care less.

And now, one of his other pawns in this tricky chess game had been stolen away from him while he was distracted. The ministry had approached Severus to be their sole potions master, and the fool had accepted the position!

Albus was losing control fast.

Elsewhere Hyacinth and Draco had made fast friends in the peaceful garden spot. He had made her cry with laughter with stories of his mother, and she had divulged details of her life that she knew would get to her mother. She didn't mind that; however, she found it easier to tell Draco these things. Not that she didn't want to tell her mother,  but she didn't know how he would react.

She couldn't make it make sense in her head. So she chose not to. Instead, she laughed as Draco nearly fell into the pond. He laughed with her, open and free and took her to the peacocks. In true Malfoy fashion, the peacocks were pure white, and Hyacinth instantly fell in love, and so did one of the peacocks, it seemed, because one came up to and sat next to her, cawing in disagreement when she stood up to leave.

 In true Malfoy fashion, the peacocks were pure white, and Hyacinth instantly fell in love, and so did one of the peacocks, it seemed, because one came up to and sat next to her, cawing in disagreement when she stood up to leave

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This particular peacock allowed Hyacinth to stroke its beak, much to Draco's surprise and slight jealousy, as she whispered promises to visit again soon.

That night the two shared a friendly hug as Draco readied himself to floo into Dumbledore's office at Hogwarts. Severus had swept into the room, dramatic as ever, with Lucius following behind, less swoopy robes and dramatic entrances, but still impactful nonetheless, and Hyacinth found herself making eye contact with the floor in order to not look him in the eye.

She wasn't sure what it was about Lucius Malfoy, but he affected her in ways she couldn't find the words to explain. 

"Remember, Draco," Severus had said, "The headmaster knows legimency; keep your walls up and the eye contact to a minimal", he reminded.

Hyacinth's eyes shot up to her mother, "What's legimency?" she asked no one in particular. Her mother looked at her worriedly. 

"I'll speak to you about it tomorrow, love. It would be best if you headed to bed. It's been a long day," He had said. Wanting to argue but feeling the tiredness that had seeped into her bones, Hyacinth agreed without a fight and made her way to the doors. 

"I shall see you up there, my flower," she heard Narcissa say, and she shot the painted woman a grateful smile. She turned to the room and surveyed the people in there. 

"Goodnight," she said kindly, earning a chorus of 'goodnights' in return. She then turned and left the room, calling Himmy on her way up the staircase to lead her back to her chambers. 

Snakes and Ladders (Fem!HPxLM) (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now