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Madame Bones' office was smaller and darker than Hyacinth had imagined it to be. It took a few seconds of her eyes adjusting to the low light to even see the ever-tense presence of the woman she wished to see, slumped over paperwork on her desk. Hyacinth waited for the woman from the lobby to leave and shut the door behind her with a barely audible click before she politely cleared her throat to bring Madame Bones' attention from her paperwork. 

Madame Bones' head whipped up from being bent over her desk and her pinched face relaxed into a relieved smile at the sight of the young woman before her. It was a great soother to her nerves to see her in the flesh, alive and well over simply hearing about her through sparse letters from the Malfoy household.

"Hyacinth" she breathed out, happily, as Hyacinth dipped in a slight curtsey. "It's so good to see you well, my dear" she continued, as she stood from her desk and rounded it to bring Hyacinth into a warm and gentle hug. 

"It's good to be here, Amelia. I thought it was about time I made good on my promise ad give you the information I said I'd give you at the ball" Hyacinth said, pulling back and holding out the Manila file to Amelia. 

Amelia took the file, an excited gleam behind her eyes as she gestured to a comfortable, plush armchair for Hyacinth to sit in. Hyacinth did so, placing her handbag on her lap and crossing her legs at the ankle. 

Amelia distractedly opened the folder as she went back around her desk to sit again, her eyes flicking up to Hyacinth after reading the name Hazel Potter where Hyacinth Iris Riddle-Snape should've been. 

Hyacinth raised a perfectly shaped eyebrow, leaning over to take a glance at what Amelia was looking at. 

"Ah," she hummed, a slight smirk on her red lips, "A little goblin magic, I hope you don't mind, I wanted it to have more impact once it was released to the public," Hyacinth explained and Amelia hesitated slightly before making her mind up that she really didn't care about the slightly less-than-legal use of goblin magic to falsify legal documents. 

Amelia placed the file, open on her desk, before summoning tea and biscuits for the two of them, quickly returning to the sizable file before her, almost frothing at the mouth at the information the young woman before her had supplied her with. She was begging to feel a little bit like Rita Skeeter.

For decades now she had been looking for a way to knock Dumbledore down a peg or two. In fact that personal mission had started the moment she became Head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement. There were simply too many unsavoury rumours about the man for her to not pay it any attention. And it definitely didn't help his case that she had witnessed the "beloved" headmaster Obliviate the previous Medi-witch that was on Hogwarts staff while Amelia was still at school there. 

Amelia slowly closed the Manila file, looking up at Hyacinth once more, a look of unbridled excitement in her eyes.

"Thank you, Hyacinth, truly," the formidable woman said, voice soft. Hyacinth smiled and dipped her head in a nod before taking a sip of her tea. 

"My pleasure, Amelia," Hyacinth said, not knowing of anything else she could say. She didn't know why Amelia wanted to cause trouble but she believed that the enemy of her enemy was her friend so she wasn't going to complain about it. 

She noticed Amelia hesitate slightly as if she wanted to say something but didn't know if she should or not. 

"What do you wish to say, Amelia? I shall not judge you" Hyacinth reassured although her tone was rather unfeeling and distant which was what Amelia wanted to ask Hyacinth about. There was no doubt that Hyacinth had gone through something traumatic, but Amelia had always been the curious and inquisitive type and while that was a hindrance to some, that aspect had served Amelia well.

"I don't want this to come off as pushy or rude but, what happened to you, Hyacinth? You feel distant, you've changed drastically in the month that you were... indisposed. I am not asking for details. Just an explanation if you are agreeable to that" Amelia asked, placing her clasped hands on top of her desk. 

Hyacinth smiled a pinched smile, one that was akin to McGonagall's. She considered the words for a while, debating on how to answer.

"You must understand that the attack at the ball was coordinated by Dumbledore. The attacker has been... dealt with but he took something irreplaceable from me that night and while he was simply the puppet, the puppet master still hasn't received his punishment." Hyacinth explained and Amelia nodded in understanding. While she didn't know what had been taken, she knew it was not her place to ask.

And so the two were enveloped in silence, both thinking of how they were going to deal with Dumbledore for very different reasons. 


A/N HELLO! Bit of a short one for you. Sorry if it isn't all that good, I haven't slept for two days. I just wanted to put something out for you guys so you didn't think I was dead or something.I'm not, I'm very much alive, although I did wish I was dead asleep right now, but I digress.

I'm not back to writing just yet. I'm rather ill with some mystery illness at the moment, less of an illness and more of a skin condition maybe? I gots bad dandruff and my scalp is leaking clear, thick liquid and feels like a rather large scab or patch of thick skin, if anyone know what it could be and what could be causing it please hit me up, I'd greatly appreciate it. 

Hopefully I can get that sorted and get back to writing soon. 

I love you guys. Don't forget about lil ole me, and happy reading!!

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