𝘙𝘦𝘢𝘥, 𝘥𝘦𝘢𝘳

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Tartaglia dragged his feet across the sidewalk, moping at the scene, and proceeding to rub his forehead, tending to his head ache. He searched around all of his pockets to try and find the house key, only to remeber where he had left it.

"Damn it..I put it on my work desk before I left ..It seems I never bothered to remember picking it up.." Childe cursed out, removing the spare key from under the house mat and unlocking the door rather violently.

As soon as he walked into the house he headed straight for his and Zhongli's room, only to be stopped in his tracks by a handsomely tall man ,who had snuck up behind him, grabbing his waist from behind, and spinning him around in the process.

"Welcome home honey, how did work go? "  Zhongli asked with a warm smile on his face.

Finally, something Tartaglia had a reason to smile about for the first time today. In a grateful response, he lifted up his head just enough to level with his face, despite the fact that they were both already exceptionally towering. He then leaned in to give Zhongli the gift of a peck on the lips, as any wholesome couple would.

"Pretty shitty, but now that I can spend the rest of the day with you, it'd all be worth it." He spoke up, excilirated to play out the final hours of the closing day with his significant other.

"I'm sorry to hear that love. " Zhongli sympathized, caressing the others cheek to add to the comforting mood. " Here, lets eat. I made us some Bamboo Shoot soup, I know you like it when I make it!" Offered Zhongli.

"Of course! I'm starving anyways, I haven't gotten the chance to eat all day!" Whined Childe, famished at the very mention of food itself.

"Oh archons... You poor soul! You must eat seconds..No! Thirds! I will not have you going the day without eating any less than required ! " Zhongli demanded, his fatherly side showing it's true ,protective colors.

"Hehe..You always take such good care of me ! " Tartaglia confessed, gifting Zhongli once again a tiny kiss .

After indulging in their meal, the two were stuffed, and left wondering what to do next .

"We could cuddle and watch a movie~" Ajax pleaded, obviously drained, and in need of some much needed contentment .

 "Why not? You look like you're dying for an embrace from me anyways, how could I refuse such an adorable  face?"Zhongli teased Childe shamelessly.

And so the lovebirds put on some comfy clothes and gathered some pillows and blankets for their makeout- I mean cuddle session. The couple scootched in close together, Zhongli was almost always the big spoon admittedly ,so it was no surprise to Childe when he was pulled in intimately by the strong man. Zhongli rested his head on the fiery mess that was Childes hair, appreciating the sweet smell of the hair products he was using. He then began stoking his lover's head, as if he were a pet. He scratched certain places he knew his partner liked, and went more gentle on others. And of course, Childe enjoyed every pleasuring moment of it. The blush composed on his pale face was not only of embarrassment (seeing how well his partner actually knew him) ,but also pure love. After all, Zhongli's arms were the place that he felt most safe and at home.

"God I love you..." Childe announced, thinking that he had whispered quietly under his breath. 

He couldn't have been more wrong. He was speaking with such a tone of pleasure and gratitude that Zhonlgi couldn't help himself. He leaned over the redhead's shoulder, granting Childe a single kiss on the lips, soft, yet fufiling .

"I love you as well Ajax..Please, never forget that." Zhongli expressed, flipping the position of their cuddling . 

Childe was now laying on top of Zhongli's chest, his arms wrapping his chest  lovingly. And Childe's tired head rested effortlessly on Zhongli's torso, near the man's neck. Childe exahled a small chuckle, remembering how difficult it was for Zhongli to get comfortably situated, with his back problems and all. 

After a while of movie watching (mostly cuddling and kisses every so often) ,the boyfriends were spent out for the day. It felt to them as if their eyelids were curtains that begged to be shut out from the light. 

Childe yawned like a tiger, loud and getting the point across, "Hey Ajax dear, I understand you are getting tired correct?" Zhongli pointed out.

"Mmm..Yeah.. But ..ugh..before we go to be can you read me one of your old diary entries . Y'know ,the ones from when you visited Celestia?" Pleaded the desperate Tartaglia.

"Fine fine.. Since you asked so nicely, your wish is my command."  Zhongli spoke up, unable to refuse the other.

And so the pair moved their cuddling headquarters from their sofa to their bedroom. Childe used Zhongli's chest as his very own personal pillow, one he quite enjoyed might I add. 

"Hm..You smell so nice...And you're always so warm. " Childe complimented the unexpeting Zhongli.

"O-oh..Thank you Childe.." Zhongli uncharacteristically stuttered. He was so caught off guard that he started blushing more than he ever had (with a few special exceptions iykwim) .

"Oooohh did I get someone flustered~ " Childe teased half jokingly. 

"Maybe...But you're the one that caught me off guard ! What did you expect?" Zhongli huffed in protest. 

"Haha! You're too cute Zhongli! " Childe giggled, amused by the unprepared Gentleman.

"That is in the past now," Zhongli strayed away, obviously embarrassed by showing his soft side. "Now , I shall read to you ,okay ? " Zhongli informed Childe sternly. 

"Mmm...okay!" The childish ginger agreed swiftly, his hair being ruffled around by Zhongli's massive hands. And with that, Zhongli read his partner to sleep, making sure to whisper softly when he bid him goodnight.

"Have sweet dreams my love~" Zhongli purred gently into Childe's ear, knowing fully he was fast asleep.  And although he was unable to hear the sentiment, a simple smile was displayed by the sleeping boy.

𝘡𝘩𝘰𝘯𝘨𝘤𝘩𝘪 /𝘊𝘩𝘪𝘭𝘓𝘪 𝘧𝘭𝘶𝘧𝘧𝘴𝘩𝘰𝘵𝘴Where stories live. Discover now