𝘊𝘳𝘰𝘸𝘯𝘴 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘊𝘳𝘪𝘮𝘪𝘯𝘢𝘭𝘴

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Before we begin this tale of two opposites being pulled into a contract of love, I want to formerly thank  for joining me yet again to create another beautiful story! If you are unaware, he has helped me make these oneshots in the past, and has been nothing but an amazing friend to me! It'd mean a lot if you could go check her talented work out! Now,enjoy!


Zhongli sat perched on his throne. He heard struggling and grunts as the doors opened. The militia was holding a ginger haired boy as he tried to thrash his way out of the constraints. They set him down in front of Zhongli and pushed his head down. "What shall we do with him, emperor?" They asked. 

Zhongli looked down at the man. He was littered with cuts and bruises. His orange hair was quite dirty and his ocean blue eyes looked dead. Zhongli couldn't help but feel bad for this man. He'd never felt this way for a troublemaker before so he was hesitant with his answer. 

 "Keep him here. I'll deal with him myself." He spoke, calmly. The guards nodded, and tightened the restraints around his arms and legs. They left, whispering to one another. Zhongli just pushed it off. He focused back on the man on the floor infront of him. 

 "State your name." 


 "Where are you from, Ajax?" Zhongli asked, sensing the difference in their voices.

 "....snezhnaya.." The younger one croaked out. 

 Zhongli got down from his throne. "Ajax. How would you like to form a contract with me?" Ajax looked up at Zhongli with confusion and curiosity. 

 "I've heard of your skill, Ajax. I know the stories of the men you've slaughtered. And how you did it with such ease. If you are willing to accept this contract, you will be my bodyguard and will remain at my side till the day we must part. In return, you will have somewhere to live, food will be provided, and you won't be a criminal anymore." 

 Zhongli had cupped the side of Ajax's face. "I...I...I'll form a contract with you.." He said. 

"Good. This contract has now been set in stone. If you go against the contract, you will face the wrath of the rock."

 Ajax nodded. 

Zhongli gently stroked his cheek. "I request you take a bath immediately."  Ajax nodded and Zhongli summoned some maids who took Ajax to the bathroom. 


Zhongli after a while, got bored and went to check on Ajax. He opened the door to the bathroom gently and saw Ajax have a handful of bubbles in his hands as he blew them. The maid scrubbing his hair laughed at him, like a mother would at her child. Zhongli smiled at the sight, and then closed the door.

As Zhongli wondered around his sizeable castle aimlessly, not destined to any particular location, a concern grew tight in the back of his mind. Ajax previously had worked for the Tsaritsa, before betraying her trust and running away ,straying his irresponsible actions. This possed many threats to the contract,and to Zhongli's kingdom as a whole. Ajax at any given time could decide to disobey the newfound contract. Although Zhongli's warning stood crystal clear in Ajax's eyes, this possibly was doubtful. Another posing threat was the Tsaritsa herself, who had sought to hunt down the red headed boy and demanded him to pay for his calamities.

𝘡𝘩𝘰𝘯𝘨𝘤𝘩𝘪 /𝘊𝘩𝘪𝘭𝘓𝘪 𝘧𝘭𝘶𝘧𝘧𝘴𝘩𝘰𝘵𝘴Where stories live. Discover now