𝘛𝘰𝘰 𝘔𝘶𝘤𝘩 𝘖𝘴𝘮𝘢𝘯𝘵𝘩𝘶𝘴 𝘞𝘪𝘯𝘦? (Pt.3 Finale)

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Childe started deeply into Scaramouche's eyes. A furious flame conducted in Childe's eyes, so much so that the water pouring out of them threatened to boil.

"You...YOU BASTARD!" Childe shouted, his voice stern and raspy.

He quickly knocked the gun out of Scaramouche's hand, leaving it to glide across the floor unsupervised.

"Y-you dare kill yet another important person in my life...I'LL MAKE YOU REGRET IT!" He snapped, gripping Scaramouche's collar even harder, the fabric rubbing against his skin so aggressively caused Childe's skin to burn, yet he paid no mind to the weak pain it offered.

Scaramouche began the chuckle. It simmered into a laugh and then a maniacal cackle."But my dearest Tartaglia, you can't hurt me!" A demonic, wide smile emerged from his face, "And do you want to know just why?" He asked teasingly, his collar ever so smoothly drifting off the loosening grip of Childe's fist.

"W-wait.." Childe stuttered. He fearfully dropped his sworn enemy onto his ass. His body began to shake uncontrollably.

"It's because...none of this is real... You thought that the opportunity for you to be some hero would ever actually occur?" He scoffs, "How pitiful.."

"N-No, it cant be...I still have to get revenge! How could this be?" Childe stammered.

"Oh, but it can be...Just wait, and you'll see~" Scaramouche sneakily added.

And with then, this 'reality' began to morph into nothingness, a black abyss, surrounding and swallowing Childe with all of its able might. His soft, strikingly blue eyes widened, and as he tried to scream Zhongli's name, his lungs filled with the abyssal water and choked him senselessly. Tears somehow formed on his face, the pure water from his body refusing to mix or blend into the chemical compound that made up this abyssal ocean. In the distance, there was a beam of light. In this godly sight, he saw Zhongli's face. The light grew larger and larger, its celestial abilities giving him air to breathe, and the warm light touching his freckled skin returned his senses.

He reached his arm out, the light now wrapping him gently. His senses heightened, and he began to hear? He heard the sound of a tea kettle. And what's this? He could smell an earthy ginger scent. With all of his strength, he pushed his eyes open. The sun's rays stung his eyes, but he could see. He saw a sturdy man, about his age, with formal clothing and long luscious hair. He was making tea, ginger tea. Childe gasped loudly, finally breathing in the sweet, sweet hair that filled the oddly familiar residence.

"It's...Sir Zhongli. Why am I in his house? Why am I-" He looked down, realizing where he spent the night. "WHY IN THE WORLD AM I IN ZHONGLI'S BED?"

"Oh! Childe, you're awake! Finally..." Zhongli smiled, carefully setting the hot tea on the nearby nightstand. "You passed out at the bar. It was rather strange. As I recall, you seemed to stare straight at a boy from across the bar just before collapsing. You even stood up. I assume to approach him. You tumbled to the ground soon afterward. I did have to carry you to my house. While this was all predictable, I was still worried about you."

All of a sudden, he remembered the feeling of almost losing his best friend. Childe lunged forward with full force and landed smack down on the ground, embracing Zhongli tight. Tears made their way to his face yet again, catching up with his emotions surely.

"Ch-childe? What has gotten into you? " Zhongli's lips curled into a smile, and he patted Childe's back tenderly.

"Never leave me Xiangsheng....ever.." His grip tightened, and he smiled. With Zhongli tucked away in his arms, he felt exclusive to Zhongli, like he could protect Zhongli from anything in this condition.

"Of course...I would never dream of abandoning you. I wish to spend the rest of my life with you if I'm honest, Childe.." Zhongli promised as he lifted Childe's chin, forcing him to stare into his glorious amber eyes.

"Xiansheng...What do you mean-?" Childe's eyes opened fully, and he looked up to Zhongli with hope, like Zhongli was a god who could change Childe's entire course of life for the better or the worst.

Zhongli placed his index finger over Childe's lips, indicating that he wished for silence between them. His eyes were droopy and calm. He loved Childe. He loved him so much. He wanted him forever. But such was not the case. He could not keep him trapped in a little birdcage locked away from society. He would never stop being the reckless yet well-rounded individual he was. Zhongli only had one option open. To accept Childe for who he is and to love even the ugly parts of him.

"One day, I'll have to let him go. But not today. Today I'll cling to every ounce of his body for dear life. I'll cherish the moments we've shared. I'll never forget them. Even if one day I don't get the chance to say goodbye. I'm sure he'll know that I love him." Zhongli concluded in his mind. Zhongli closed his shimmering eyes and opened his mouth to speak after a few daunting and confusing moments of silence had passed by.

"Childe," Zhongli whispered.

"Yes? Xiangsheng?" 

"Can I kiss you?"   

"I thought you'd never ask."

And with that, the two newfound lovers began a journey of love. They shared rocky moments and overcame the most hopeless arguments. But, they were happy and content with each other, one of the most beautiful relationships Tevyat would have ever seen from that moment forward. All they had to do, was wait for inevitable tragedy.

𝘡𝘩𝘰𝘯𝘨𝘤𝘩𝘪 /𝘊𝘩𝘪𝘭𝘓𝘪 𝘧𝘭𝘶𝘧𝘧𝘴𝘩𝘰𝘵𝘴Where stories live. Discover now