𝘎𝘢𝘮𝘦𝘳 '𝘉𝘳𝘰𝘴' + Albether (Slight smut)

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Zhongli peeked out of the window. It was pouring down rain. Tranquil, serene, serenity. He was wrapped in the warm hug of a comforter, sipping on some pleasantly snug black tea. He kept a fire hidden in his cozy little home to keep him and his upcoming guests toasty.

They had not yet arrived, but you'd best believe that he already had refreshments fit to each of their tastes set and ready. He set up a small comfy corner that the four of them could mess around in during their time together, set with candles scented pumpkin, with light hints of maple. A TV hung above his fireplace, along with four game controllers that would undoubtedly be used to their limits later on into the wee hours of the morning.

'Game Night.' He called it.

One single night a month that Zhongli would invite a certain ginger man to his house, encouraging him to bring along some of his friends with him. In reality, it wasn't very exclusive to games. Occasionally they bake, sometimes they watch movies, and other times they settle on playing board games instead. It's quite simple, sometimes playing out as a 12-year-old slumber party. Although, this was special to Zhongli. Especially because the man would get to spend time with every month. He'd always dreamt of waking up with Childe but never dared to even hold his hand. This was the only time he could at least pretend to wake up together as real lovers do.



"Ah, they've arrived, I should let them in before they soak out in the cold," Zhongli mumbled to himself, lifting himself from his seat and taking off to the door. He swung open the door in all welcomeness with the same soft smile he demonstrated every time he widened his door.

" Why hello there. Come in! You all are bound to get drenched just sitting out there in such horrid weather." Zhongli greeted the three men kindly.

"Hello, Mr. Zhongli! " Aether grinned, removing his bulky coat and hanging it on the convenient coat rack.

"Yes, greetings. We are grateful for you inviting us into your humble abode today. " Albedo added, assisting Aether with the removal of his coat.

"Yes yes, no problem. Glad you all could make it. " Affirmed Zhongli.

"Wow! So no ackowlagment for me?" Childe crossed his arms jokingly.

"Ah yes, the one that visits most frequently, this practice being his second home. Welcome Mister Attention Seeker, " Zhongli sarcastically mocked him.

"Well thank you, for I am very honored to have been formally welcomed into the home of Sir Zhongli." Childe shot back teasingly.

A gentle giggle escaped Albedo. "You two seem to get along quite well," He finished.

Zhongli could feel his cheeks getting warm at the statement.

"I could just say just about the same towards you and your 'fRiEnD' Aether. " Childe accused the short blonde man (Albedo), emphasizing the friend part as if it was the only part in the sentence that longed to be heard.

The tension of the room was tight, suffocating, you could almost feel the thinning patience in the air.

"W-wow I can smell some lovely tea brewing! Mind if we have a sip, Mr.Zhongli? We are quite cold after all, " Aether coughed up, his soothing yet shaken voice soothing the harsh atmosphere.

"A-ahem... Yes...Tea... Right, this way." Zhongli stuttered, grateful that Aether's brave soul was able to speak up.

Zhongli led them to his living room area and granted each of them a cup of the heated liquid.

𝘡𝘩𝘰𝘯𝘨𝘤𝘩𝘪 /𝘊𝘩𝘪𝘭𝘓𝘪 𝘧𝘭𝘶𝘧𝘧𝘴𝘩𝘰𝘵𝘴Where stories live. Discover now