𝘝𝘰𝘸𝘴 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘊𝘰𝘯𝘵𝘳𝘢𝘤𝘵𝘴

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Hello! A little A/N here! I just wanted to say a huge thank you to  ToyaAoyagiFan  for collaborating with me for the first time! It was very fun and I was so excited to see your talent in my very own oneshot collection! If you all could check out their work, it'd mean a ton!

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Zhongli stared at himself in the glossy mirror that presented him with a breathtaking image of himself. He patted his tuxedo down thoroughly, making sure any wrinkles were gone from his sight. He noticed a tiny flaw in his outfit and reached quickly to fix it. He mended this imperfection by straightening the bow on his chest, and it now sat still and perfected. Complete was his look.

On the other hand, Childe stumbled around the room, picking himself up each time he foolishly tripped over himself. He wanted everything to be perfect. Childe stared at his reflection in the tall mirror, fixing himself to prevent the image that we had just woken up. He flattened his hair with his hands and looked at the mirror happily, once satisfied with the care he put into his looks.

Both men were ecstatic. The thought that they'd be husbands in just hours gave them butterflies in their stomachs' equally. Although despite the tedious preparations and the assurance by the wedding staff that everything was to be unworried for, they both were anxious at the notion that something might go wrong, henceforth ruining their special day.

Hu Tao opened the door to Zhongli's changing room and gasped quietly. "Wow, Zhongli! You look so pretty~!" 

He nodded in thanks, anxious that saying a word would somehow mess with his outfit. She went to hug him, but was immediately shoved away.

Oop! Sorry! " She apologized quickly. " I'll leave you alone, I really just came here to annoy you!" She giggled and ran out of the room, leaving Zhongli alone again.

 Sweat pricked the back of Zhongli's neck as he stared longingly and the bouquet that was delivered a couple minutes before. He was excited yet extremely scared. He traced a single finger along the wall as he crept near the bouquet that sat on the small table that he approached purposefully. He slid his hand over the reach out for the bunch of neatly assorted flowers. He took ahold of the flowers, and lifted them carefully up to his face, taking the plants with all of his refined senses. 

"It smells like him..." He thought to himself, the image of his soon-to-be husband flashed in his mind. Vibrant with color, accurate features that fit Childe's description to a T. The image in his head reflected Childe as he awaited Zhongli on the opposing end of the altar. "The time will come soon enough, Zhongli. You must be patient." He whispered to himself, attempting poorly to retain his exit and joy.

Childe still nervously swayed around in his designated changing room, unable to keep himself still. He sweat profoundly, wiping the palms of his hands onto his trousers. He lay on the floor, knowing he looked like a mad man. He truly loved Zhongli, but he was terrified for the ceremony. Childe was never good with adrenaline, but he was not going to back down. He loved Zhongli too much, he was just going to have to learn how to suck it up and do it . He stood back up and wiped himself down, fixing himself once again. At last, he was prepared.

Then, an innocent idea appeared unexpectedly in his head. "What if I practice my vows?" he contemplated against himself, troubled. 

"I mean...it's better to be safe than sorry after all...what's the worst thing that could happen?" As he made this decision, he stood up and joined hands with a mannequin that happened to be in the dressing room. He may have thought it stupid, but he had no other choice. He was faced with one option, as he needed a distraction from the tiring anxiety that threatened his performance for the ceremony. He stared at the mannequin intensely, like they were having a staring battle. He huffed and looked down at the ground, unable to say anything. It wasn't going very well for him. He quietly muttered his vows at last. Inaudible, but it was the best he felt he could do. He repeatedly said them until he was confident enough to speak aloud. He smiled contently and hugged the mannequin, kissing it like it was Zhongli himself. He sorted himself out and sat down, shaking his leg excitedly.

𝘡𝘩𝘰𝘯𝘨𝘤𝘩𝘪 /𝘊𝘩𝘪𝘭𝘓𝘪 𝘧𝘭𝘶𝘧𝘧𝘴𝘩𝘰𝘵𝘴Where stories live. Discover now