8 - You Missed Out On Everything

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Day twelve

Y/n POV:

The plan had been to drive quite close to the South coast until we got to New Orleans, but after we left Florida, I asked Eddie if we could divert slightly up to a town near Montgomery called Odin. I told him about an old friend I had in Tennessee that had moved there years ago who I hoped was still there. Carrie McAnney. I wanted to see her since we were passing so close by. He agreed straight away. When we got into the town, I felt myself getting nervous, even though I couldn't explain exactly why.

"Where does she live?" Eddie asked me as we went past the welcome sign. I bit my lip and took a deep breath as I turned to him.

"I don't actually know," I admitted.

"You don't know?" He checked to see if he had heard me correctly. I folded up the map I had been holding to put it back into the glovebox.

"I knew she moved to Odin Alabama, and that it's a really small town, so... well I figured it can't be that hard to find her family," I shrugged, and Eddie chuckled.

"So we're here to try and hunt somebody down? I thought it was gonna be a visit to a close friend," he jested. We past a few houses before reaching what seemed to be the centre of the town. There was a small square with some stores and a town hall, and he pulled over into a little parking lot for a cafe.

"We were close friends... when we were like twelve. It didn't cross our minds to give an actual address because we never thought we'd see each other again," I explained with a smile. Eddie turned off the engine and shifted his body to face towards me.

"So what's the plan here?" He seemed amused but more than willing to indulge my strange behaviour.

"I don't know... we could go in the cafe and ask if anyone knows her or her parents?" I pointed out the window at the little cafe we had parked outside of. He tilted his head in agreement and unbuckled his seatbelt. I did the same and we got out.

The cafe was very small. It was definitely the kind of place that rarely saw anyone except locals. Our entrance made the two customers in there turn to us and widen their eyes as they tried to figure out who we were. There was a young guy, probably close to thirty, and a woman with greying hair who seemed to be in her fifties. There weren't any workers around, so I cautiously walked us over to sit at one of the tables that was close to the other people. We weren't sat there for long before I decided to suck it up and just ask.

"Hey," I addressed the woman first, who was to my right. She raised her head up from a newspaper and gave me a suspicious look.

"Hello?" She asked unsurely.

"This is, erm... this might sound super weird, but I was wondering if you know somebody called Carrie McAnney?" I just went right out and asked it. The woman turned her gaze towards Eddie and looked him up and down with her eyebrows furrowed. There wasn't much friendly about her.

"Nope," she shook her head.

"Oh... what about David or Sheila McAnney?" I tried, and she just shook her head and carried on reading, taking a sip of her coffee. I couldn't tell if she genuinely hadn't heard their names before, or if she just decided not to tell me.

Right then a young server came into the room from the back, and she spotted us and gave a warm smile as she came over. She had curly red hair and warm eyes, flattening her striped apron as she pulled a notepad and pencil from the pocket on the front.

"Hey guys. Are you wantin' some lunch or just drinks today?" She asked.

"Just drinks, if that's okay. Actually... can we get two black coffees in takeout cups?" I decided that it was probably the right thing to do to order something since I was gonna try and get information out of her.

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