Chapter 1

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 Little did Kagome know that a certain family of silver-haired Dog Demons has been in her life, long before she was even conceived.

No matter how hard Kagome would think, her very first memories include a very fluffy white dog family. First, there was only one (that she soon named Taisho)and he watched her grow. Around the age of eight, he showed up with a small bundle of fluff, his firstborn son. Not only did he have a pup with him, but something changed about him. There was a new glint in his eyes and she realized he was far older and wiser than she originally thought. There was a knowing air around him, with that new twinkle in his honey brown eyes.

Another thing had happened, he approached the small girl for the first time. Setting his pup down he grew even closer, his walk unhurried and head held high. Just a mere six inches separated the two when he stopped. With a look of wonder, she slowly lifted hand not sure the great dog would let her touch his fur. Taisho suddenly pressed his neck to her small hand and she instantly started petting his fur, it was soft, thick and warm. Kagome smiled and giggled when a purr like sound erupted from deep within him and he licked her from her shoulder to the top of her head.

After a short time, he pulled away and for some reason it made her feel sad, cold and lonely. He walked back to his pup (who hadn't even moved an inch) and pushed him forward in my direction, but the stubborn and unhappy looking pup refused to move. So instead of making the pup come, he pulled her softly to the pup, easily solving the problem. Eagerly Kagome reached out to gather the little fluffy ball but pulled back quickly when the fluffy puppy growled at her. Feeling hurt she looked at Taisho with tears threatening to drop, heartbroken. Then the funniest thing happened, Taisho was standing there practically lecturing the pup, with all his unhappy snarls and growls.

At first, it didn't affect the puppy until another round of angry noises came from Taisho's throat. If puppies could look both surprised and betrayed, that's what he looked like. A now gloating and self-satisfied Taisho was watching his son expecting something but after a few moments of nothing, a warning growl was amid at the sulking pup. Slowly he began to walk towards Kagome, glaring at his father the whole time and sat down right in front the young Miko. Smiling softly, she cuddled the puppy close to her chest. "Your so cute," eight-year-old Kagome gushed and looked at Taisho, "and your very handsome Taisho." she complimented. Before she could say more her name was called, quickly giving the two dogs kisses she ran back home.

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