Chapter 8

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Hi, I'm back with the new chapter, I know I'm sorry for the wait.

Lord Sesshomaru was on his way back to his home from patrolling when an odd scent drifted to him. Said scent reminded him of something, something that had been gone for several centuries. A scent that didn't belong in the land of the living. Instantly he turned on his heels and changed his direction. Now he walked towards the scent of his half-breed brother, where the Scent that didn't belong lingered.

Inu Taisho sniffed the wind and found the scent of his eldest headed their way. With such information, he smiled a small smile but it was a rather wicked smile, that had the Miko stunned and rather worried. It's never good when anyone smiles that way let along a very powerful Inu. Kagome had to admit to herself that she was slightly frightened by the sight. Nervously she spoke, "Um I'm not sure if I actually want to know but why are you smiling like that?"

The great youkai lord chuckled (in a slightly dark way) "It seems my dear that today is about to get a little more interesting". Confused by such a cryptic answer I opened my mouth to ask why when at that very second Inuyasha answered with a growl "Sesshomaru". Instantly my heart sank and my body grew restless, I wasn't sure if I was ready to face him now. Especially after I just regained my memories. "Very good Hanyou," his flat velvety voice spoke just seconds after Inuyasha said his name as he walked out of the trees.

Instantly my worried emotions were replaced with anger for not sensing the western lord's massive aura. With just a handful of feet between the three Inu's as they all looked at each other, as the humans watched they all felt as if it was hard to breathe due to the tense atmosphere. I felt my heart trying to beat out of my chest and hear the sound of my blood rushing in my ears, as I fought to reign in my raging powers. I knew I needed to calm down soon or my powers would lash out. Together the three humans, the Neko, and the fox held their breath as they waited.

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