Chapter 12

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A/N I looked up what elements and animals represented the four directions if they are incorrect I apologize. Also, I looked up what each element was called in Japanese, which is how I got their names if that is also incorrect I apologize.

Deep within the land, something evil was stirring and in response, something else was and soon a chain reaction began. In several long-forgotten temples, the four who were destined to protect and fight with the Miko princess began awakening from their long slumber. In their hidden chambers, they waited for her to release them all it took was her blood and the final crack on her mental seal. When they felt Inutashio return they felt eagerness within themselves soon they would be free and could protect her. Then when her blood was spilled in the western palace they felt it, and then, at last, the seal broke completely. 

Once free the four met in the center of the land. Four warriors with powers over their respective elements. Mizu from the North, Kuki from the East, Kasi from the South, and Chikyu from the West. Mizu was an Owl demon, Kuki was an Eagle demon, Kasi was a Coyote demon and Chikyu was a bear demon. Then together they marched to the Western lands where their princess awaited them. With the warrior's freedom came the freedom of the evil that thirsted to spill the blood of the last remaining Kami Miko, their name was simply Shi...

Sesshomaru's P.O.V

" So who was it son?" his father asked when he walked into the room. Both demons smelt like the Miko's blood and Sesshomaru's inner being was deeply affected by the smell and began nagging at him. He refused to let his inner demon show the image he wanted to share. Sesshomaru had no time for whatever silly think his inner demon wanted him to see. "She smelt of Inu poison father and there are several Inu demons that reside within these walls."

 Instantly his father's face darkened and golden eyes turned slightly red with anger. " That angers me deeply son, Inu's are her allies. I would instantly hold a meeting with all who reside in our walls, however, you're their lord it's up to you Sesshomaru." He nodded in agreement to his father's statement " I shall do so, those under my protection and those who are this Sesshomaru's guests are to be treated well. This Sesshomaru shall make an example of them." He said his tone dark and thunder clouds in his golden glaze.

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