Chapter 5

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The next day started the same way as usual. Wake up, cook, eat, and start traveling. Naraku had been destroyed but a new disturbance has started to rise and once again there was no peace. As usual, we resumed our traveling at dawn and we had been traveling for a good five hours since we awoke. Suddenly a burning pain filled my head and I collapsed biting my lip clean through to stop from screaming. We didn't need any attention drawn to us.

Images flashed through my head like an old film, and I realized my seal had its first crack. Unfamiliar surroundings filled my eyes. I was reliving one of my memories. A little girl with stunning blue eyes sat outside enjoying the weather. It was me still a baby my blue orbs we fixed on a pair of honey- brown eyes of a rather large and fluffy silver-white dog. I realized I recognized the dog he was always there for me, I had named him Taisho.

Fast forward through several of the same scenes, just with a growing Kagome. The one that I re-lived completely was the one of my 8th Birthday, Taisho brought his first pup that he carried in his mouth. One of the most memorable parts was when I got to touch my companion the first time. The other one was how stubborn Sesshomaru was at that time and eventually, his father scolded him. That part was funny to watch. Once done being scolded he approached with a look of complete betrayal amid at his father.

Of which both one of us paid no attention to and I got to cuddle "Maru" as I called him at that time. As he grew his attitude didn't change much. In the fallowing 5 years, I didn't see Maru at all, which made me sad. Then it all changed my 13th birthday when both Taisho and Maru showed up plus one. This pup was the opposite of his brother in all ways..

Suddenly I was back in the real world and I stood on weak legs. I smiled at my worried friends trying to comfort them. A crying Shippo launched into my arms and I began to sooth him. "It's okay it looked worst then it was I'm sorry for worrying you", I apologized to everyone.With some restored memories, I decided I would do my damnest to find out happened after the memories. Inuyasha was my next victim followed by the Monk.

I would take extreme measures if I had to, just to get the answers I needed. Determinedly I walked behind Inuyasha whom was grumpy like always but his attitude wasn't going to stop me. "Hey Inuyasha," I said to him. "What do ya want wench." I rolled my eyes typical of the Hanyou to respond like that. "I learned something new at home and I was wondering if you knew anything about the village of extremely powerful Miko's and Monk's that were annihilated?"

"Then again I could always ask Miroku since he's a monk and all."
"Then go ask the perv because I know nothing." Mentally I sighed, " Sure you don't", I added in my head but left the topic alon. I decided to ask Miroku, so stopped walking waiting for the rest of my friends to catch up. "Miroku I have some questions I hope you can help me out." He smiled," Of course Lady Kagome." He answered while his hand caressed my backside.

I rolled my eyes and smacked him. "I'm serious Miroku!" I snapped and he looked at me sheepishly. "I'm sorry but I swear that hand has a mind of its own."

"Ya I know, are you going to help me or not." I asked with a demanding tone. "Of course I will assist you Kagome." I sighed, "Do you know anything about a village of Monks and Miko's that was destroyed? I thought I would ask you since you're a monk and all." He thought for a second.

"Yes I know about them, my own family is descended from them. They were basically extended family to the Western family. This group of holy people was there on the western lands way before Inutaisho was born. Long before his parents, even before Inu Taisho's three times great grandfather. However, for some reason when Inutaisho ruled many demons wanted the people dead. No one even knows how such hatred was born.

True monks and Miko's are demons worst enemies but they were peaceful and only killed demons if they had no choice. Then from the hatred, a great war was born. Many demons died during his war but none completely died out like the humans. Inu Taisho's main enemy was a wicked and vile Dragon demon who had no honor. He used dirty tricks and attacked when his opponent was weakened. Taisho-same had an uprising on his lands but also had the threat of the dragon Youkai.

Lord Inu Taisho's hands where full which gave the dragon the time to fight dirty. When Taisho- Sama was at his weakest the army of bloodthirsty demons attacked the village of holy people. Their only ally was the West. So know one was there to fight for them except Lord Sesshomaru. In the end, the royal family had disappeared and very few survived and so they went into hiding. The disappearance of the royal family was the worst blow to the West".

From the day of the princesses birth and even before her birth, the Inu demon's watched her. What surprised the demons the most was how much harder the Western heir took it. He isolated his self for a period of time and his control snapped and went on a rampage. For years he lost his self to his beast. The only thing stopping him from being a mindless animal was the very little control he still had. After several decades he successfully locked up everything about her".

"He could no longer remember her scent, name, face or the fact he loved her. He also locked up his emotions and heart. Everything was gone even his will to mate. Taisho- sama was the only one who remembered her, the girl he watched over from birth. The sweet little Miko he loved as his own pup. She was the bright future for all things living, including Demons.

She held the power of change and the world was hers to mold. She wasn't just a human or a Miko but a gift from the Kami's. Her power outshined the most powerful of the holy people and even outshone some Demons. She was seen as the most beautiful of the purest of hearts. He was also the destined mate of the strongest demon that demon being Lord Sesshomaru. Sadly no one recalls her name, the day she disappeared was the last day her name was spoken".

Lord Sesshomaru's beast most likely still recalls her name. Such memories are hidden under a massive amount of locks and chains and those are held in place with a rather large piece of his youkai. Lord Sesshomaru is even more powerful than he knows. Other that I know nothing more". Story finished I started to cry uncontrollably. I couldn't believe how much pain and suffering Sesshomaru lived though.

Losing me was too much for the powerful demon to withstand and he suffered, who knows how long, then found a way to make my memories disappear. Through tears, I asked, "Is that why he's so cold and seems heartless. Because he locked up his emotions? Miroku nodded gravely. "What about Inuyasha? Was he too young to remember? He nodded again.

He looked at me for a second and asked why I wanted to know and I told him the truth or half the truth. "My mother and grandfather told me when I went home." That night I fell asleep quickly not knowing the was a shift in both my power and scent.

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