Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

500+ years in the future we find Kagome with no memories of her true place of birth. The memories she now had were different memories, memories of modern day Tokyo. One day as she searched for her cat, Kagome was sucked into the bone eaters well and taken back to her true time of birth Feudal Era Japan...

Four years later (after being sucked into the well) I officially now knew Feudal Japan was my home.

On the day of my 17th birthday, I traveled through the well back to my time. I spent the whole day on cloud nine, I loved my family so much and my birthday was amazing. Later on, I went to bed any sighed blissfully, ignoring the little nagging that something wasn't right. The next morning proved the little nagging feeling was correct. " WHAT!?" I exclaimed with wide eyes, "So my whole life has been a lie?" I finished in a hurt tone close to tears. My mother just nodded slowly.

"Yes, your life, my life, your dad's life, Sota's life, and even your grandfather's life is a lie. Kagome, we had no choice, we had to flee from something dangerous and it was mainly after you". My mother said then a faraway look entered her eyes. "Our family was very powerful and in a way, we were considered royalty. Our family, our people were all very gifted Monks and Miko's. We were sought out by many and even the most powerful of demons respected us.

"We would be a powerful ally and it was the western family who realized it. The Western Lord was our only ally and was very strong and very powerful. Many wanted our blood so they turned on the West. The others were disgusted by the fact that we were treated as equals. No matter how much war was threatened, the western lord stayed loyal to us. Soon the threatened war started and massive destruction was visible all through the land.

"Through the north, east, south, and west the destruction spread. Inutaisho's main threat was an evil dragon demon that had no honor. The dragon played dirty as he tried to destroy our beloved lord. In the end, Taisho-sama was victorious despite all the damages and wounds dealt with him. Winning, however, came at a devastating cost." Her voice darkened. "His youkai was almost completely gone and during that time of weakness and time of battle, we were attacked".

"The demons that attacked thirsted for our blood to spill. Such a thirst turned into a frenzy of pure bloodlust, their minds almost completely gone. Many of us died and many of our enemies also fell. Taisho's eldest son protected us fiercely..." she stopped as she looked me straight into my eyes, "mainly protecting you. On his own thousands died at his hands. Even lost in anger, hate and slight bloodlust he remained in complete control. One day a small band of demons found the group of us that had left to protect you, our treasure and princess.

This was a month after your 13th birthday and you had barely started your training. However, you showed high potential and great power. your father was part of the group of warriors who rushed to protect us. I wasn't able to fight since your brother was only six. The three of us went into hiding. You, your brother and myself. Our strongest Miko's concealed us.

One Miko was killed causing the spell to falter for only a second but it only takes a second to catch a scent. Quickly the other Miko's fell taking demons with them, by then the spell was completely destroyed. Quickly the remaining few came at us, as fast as I could I formed another barrier. The demons attacked, not feeling the pain of their flesh burning from the contact. After a little while, the barrier shattered and in a split second I through myself over the two of you so I could take the blow aimed at you. Any mother would die to protect their children.

"Just as I covered you two, you screamed the name Maru very loudly. Then the very next second the demons were cut down by an eerie glowing green light. As our attackers died we were transported to a new spot. I instantly looked for your father and our eyes met for a second and I knew he wasn't going to make". Lost in her story I watched as my mother cried silent tears and I found myself fighting some tears of my own. "I rushed us to the well since it was our last hope.

"Together our clan worked on a complex spell over the well but we needed a very powerful demon's Yoki to complete it. Lord Sesshomaru offered his help since his father couldn't. Just yards from the well your grandfather found us and the Western heir also appeared once again. He killed the other demons who appeared to give us time to run. He had looked as regal as ever and had very little to none blood on his clothes, person or hair. He looked at you with intense emotion in his eyes and slowly approached you with blood dripping from his claws yet you didn't fear him".

"Then sadness took over his handsome face and hugged you close as he held you he spoke softly to you. Once done speaking to you, he gave you a kiss and then he was gone. When we got to the other side of the well, we found ourselves in the same place but a different time. This is how we started our new lives my dear."

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