Chapter 4

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For a long while, it was silent in the house as I processed the new information. Hesitantly I spoke: "And you're telling me because..." I trailed off. "We told you because you won't be coming back this time, child." My grandfather informed me. "We can feel the wells magic fading, after all, it's held for 500 years or so. With the well weakening, the seal on your memory will also weaken and break.

Perhaps slowly cracks will appear on the seal, at least that way it won't hit you all at once. With everything you regain, your spiritual powers with grow and increase tenfold. The past needs you that's why you were pulled through you have your destiny to fulfill. I just so happened to lead you back to the place you truly belong to. The world needs our clan again, it's up to you to keep demons from dying off completely. Many lives rely on you, your pack and your mate.

"Don't let the Dark win, remain who you are and let the light always shine." I nodded numbly and realized this was my closure and I hugged my family and just before I left Sota woke up so I hugged him too. "I promise I'll find a way to see you again, it may be centuries for me but hopefully not as long for you." Then I grinned, " Well I have to grab the stuff that I just can not live without, including my under clothes." I giggled at the last part and when upstairs to repack for the final time.

Quickly I sought out the stuff I felt I needed. Deodorant, toothbrush, toothpaste, some of my favorite clothes but nothing short after all I'll have to live amongst the people. I grabbed packs of gum that I always had around, pictures of my family, my favorite books, and even my school books. Glancing around for the final time I walked away from the life I knew and faced both my future and past.

A couple of days later

I had let my worries fade to the point they weren't all I could focus on. I finally accepted the fact that this was my fate and I was born to do so. "You've been awfully quiet these last couple of days Kagome, what's wrong"? Sango finally asked as we bathed my second day back. I looked into her worried eyes and sighed softly. "It's nothing really just something my mother told me."

"Do you know anything of a powerful clan of holy people that were murdered?" I let her think about it, "Mmm, well I remember a few stories but other than that I don't know much."
She must have seen my rejected look, "but Miroku might know and maybe Inuyasha he would be old enough to have met them." She offered quickly and I smiled, "Thank you Sango, could you tell me what you know?

She nodded and smiled. "It took a while for the Monk's and Miko's to get noticed by the demons. From the moment Inutaisho fond out about them, they were allies to the West. The holy people and the west were practically one. Neither side would ever betray each other. Soon more demons notice but hated the humans, by then their powers had grown stronger". 

" During the time of Inu- Taisho's rule, the demons threaten war. Soon a great and terrible battle started and the clan was in danger. The evil demons had revolted once the thirst for the clan's blood became consuming. Plus many were mad because, with the holy clan, the West was almost invincible. When Taisho-same was at his weakest after fighting the dragon, the demons had plenty of time to track down and kill the clan".

"The clan was far from weak, but without the west, they fell quickly. Truly such peaceful people shouldn't have been destroyed. The only other thing I know was a powerful demon had saved the royal family and with his help, the queen, the prince, the princess, and the queen's father were able to escape. No one knows what truly happened in the end because the family had disappeared. Then later hundreds of demons actually mourned for them, once they realized their hate had been misplaced but now it was too late." The new information caught my attention the most.

"What of the West, how did they handle the loss of their allies?" I found myself asking, and a deep sadness appeared on her face. "They actually fell apart for a while"... She trailed off and I decided I had asked her enough and with tears in my eyes we finished our bath. Abruptly I felt mischevious. "Hey, Sango do you want to mess with the boys?" I asked and an identical look shot into her eyes.

As we walked back to camp we whispered our plan as we laughed. Instantly back at camp the whispering and laughing stopped. "Welcome back ladies" Miroku greeted us and we nodded our hellos. We made ourselves comfortable on the opposite side of the fire.  "What took you wenches so long?" Inuyasha demanded but we simply looked at him blankly then turned back to our conversation.

"Wasn't that demon handsome," I gushed in my fangirl voice. "I know, Right?" Sango responded in a similar tone. "I've seen plenty of male demons, really handsome ones." I gasped suddenly cutting her off,  "I know, he totally took my breath away, he's by far." I said and together we finished "The hottest male alive." Together we burst into uncontrollable giggles.

  We snuck glances out of the corner of our eyes to look at the two completely stunned and slightly scared males. I sighed sadly, "Too bad he only likes demonesses". I said and Sango nodded dejectedly. "It's so unfair and even if he liked humans he wouldn't even look our way as potential mates. I mean come on, what male demon would like plain girls like us. Plus our titles would stop him and any others instantly."

In return, I moaned with sorrow. "That's true, what full-blooded and godly handsome demon male would mate a Miko like me and a demon slayer like you. After all, we're practically sworn enemy's and even some Hanyou's would hate us". I smiled suddenly as if full of joy. "Good thing Inuyasha and Shippo don't hate us". Sango smiled in return, "Of course, even though Inuyasha is brash and rude, he lets us travel with him".

"Shippo, on the other hand, looks us as family and you his mother. Don't forget Kaila she loves us too". Grinning like fools we carried on our conversation. "Then there is Miroku," I added. "He may not be a demon but he still sticks around. He's a good friend even though he's a huge lecher."

I finished with a wink then we peeked again. The two males were even more lost now and Inuyaha's eye was twitching.  We giggled softly, "Mission accomplished", we whispered together and hugged. Done with our hug we looked at them with yawns. "What are you staring at!" I snapped with fake anger as Sango glared. The two guys jumped in surprise. We rolled our eyes, mumbled good night's and laid down.

When the males thought we were asleep they started talking in hushed tones  "Umm Inu, do you have ANY idea on what just happened?" Miroku asked looking to the Hanyou his only response was a shake of his head. Looking at each other they shared identical looks of disbelieve and deep confusion in their eyes. "Poor confused males," I thought mentally. "What a shame... but it was funny."

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