Chapter 6

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OK, my minions finally the long awaited chapter 6 is up, Yay! Now you don't have to plot my murder anymore lol. Anyways enjoy my lovelies...
Love Me :)

Through the wind, my scent flew with a new sweeter scent to the Silver-haired demon asleep. The instant it caressed his senses, his long since hidden and locked away inner demon stirred within its cage. Something else ran through the land, demons old enough to have met the Miko princess began to emerge from their ancient slumbering. These demons had been born just to protect her.
In my dream, I was reliving my 13th birthday, and everything seemed so realistic... As I locked eyes with Sesshomaru I felt out bond come to life, his eyes were warm and gentle which made my insides warm. I gasped awake when an image of Sesshomaru in human form flashed through my mind with his golden eyes burning with Passion, love, and desire.
Instantly I knew I would do whatever I could to get my Sesshomaru back. If I was his mate was there a way I could reach him through dreams or something similar? Could the fragile bond between us become stronger and found? With questions running through my mind and knowing I wasn't going to get more sleep despite the sun not even rising, I decided to meditate. My mission being locating for the soul bond I knew was there.
I focused on my memories of him while I searched.
After what seemed like forever I found the dimly glowing and delicate cord of amethyst and soft gold. With more determination, I renewed my efforts. I focused on how I had felt when he bathed me in his scent after I got done playing. Oddly enough another cord shimmered this one also soft purple almost white with very faint red tint. Curious I followed it, at the end was Inuyasha.
My memories of him as a pup lit up the cord. In my attempt to possibly help get the two Inu's to remember. I sent warmth, affection and pure joy. Frantically I changed my focus to another bond, without it I was completely lost. I fought and fought desperately through the darkness, searching for the missing piece.
During this time I didn't realize that the sun had come up. I didn't know that there were tears making my face wet and I didn't know that my friends were trying their hardest to wake me up. The only thing I was aware of was the crushing darkness as I continued my search. The more I searched the more the darkness crushed me. I refused to stop even as the pain grew.
I pushed onwards determination driving me forwards. By now I was actually pushing myself to my death, using my own life force to fight. A small part of me wanted to retreat realizing it was hopeless but my stubborn nature forced me to push even further in the beyond.
I had no control. A new force was in control, slowly the pain faded leaving me suspended in an unfamiliar place...the realm of life and death.

Sharply I gasped I wasn't in my body, I was floating. The more human part of me was panicking, I shouldn't even be here. Then the more divine part of me waited, clearly expecting something. Soon a figure appeared he was tall, with long silver hair in a high ponytail,  all he needed was a crescent moon adorned the center of his forehead and two deep magenta jagged stripes high on each cheek and he was a spitting image of his eldest. I instantly knew who he was. Inutashio or just "Taisho" as I whispered. Just the thought of calling him by his full name seemed wrong.

"My dear little Kagome." He said grinning widely and enclosed my body in a warm embrace. I clung to him tightly as I cried into his chest. It was my fault he died since I wasn't here to fulfill my destiny. I'm so sorry I should have stayed, I should have saved you. I don't want you gone, now that I have my memories back, I can't imagine a life without you... I love you so much".
I was sobbing uncontrollably by now. "I'm back now, so I can save Sesshomaru and everyone else but you. You shouldn't have died, please Taisho I need you. Come back to me and your sons." I finished my rant my tears long soaked through his clothes. It felt so right hugging him like it was meant for me to do so.

A Kami appeared in the corner of my vision. "Don't fret child, you are correct he shouldn't have died, it wasn't his time. The evil that had formed should have never been. It seems there was a trader in our ranks". My eyes widened in shock. " We are happy you are alive, but since your here the person who betrayed us also knows..."

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