Chapter 19

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The next day I found myself extremely thankful for the herbs the healer had given me. The painful cramps made my life difficult but the herbs were my saving grace. It was mid noon when the discomfort returned, I winced unable to hide the sharp sensation. "Milady are you okay? Chikyu asked concerned and I grimaced "I might need more herbs but I can't take to many so I'm just going to deal with it. Perhaps a walk would do my body some good.".

He nodded, "Very well milady, Kuki will accompany you ". The weather was warm and the air was sweet with the aroma of flowers. Kuki and I talked as we walked. He was a softly spoken demon but his demonic energy was powerful. I was pretty happy that the Kuki and the other three were on my side. Drifting into my thoughts I realized that Sesshomaru's demonic energy seemed slightly different.

It wasn't different in a bad way but something about it tugged at my soul. "Kuki, do you sense something different about Sesshomaru's energy"? The eagle demon stopped walking and focused his attention on feeling Sesshomaru. After a minute he focused his silver eyes on me."Forgive me but I do not milady, but destined mates can sense even the slightest change in their other half. Is what your sensing alarming or concerning"? I shook my head," It's nothing negative but perhaps I will speak with him. Can you tell if he's alone or what part of the castle he is in"?

"Of course Milady. Lord Sesshomaru Is in the Western wing, alone from what I can tell and either in your chambers or his office". I nodded, offered him my thanks, and we parted ways. The walk from the gardens to the Western part of the castle was a decent walk. I prayed the exercise would help me. As I grew closer to Sesshomaru's location I felt his energy dance around me causing me to smile.

I didn't even get to knock on the door before my Mate opened it himself and whisked me into his embrace. In the blink of my eyes, I was placed gently on the bed with his body wrapped around mine, in a spooning position. The dog demon gently hugged my head to the side and placed his face into the crook of my neck. I sighed content and relaxed easily into him. A pleased purr like sound erupted from his throat. "I'm glad you came to me my little Miko". He told me softly and I smiled.

"I was missing you and had a question, Maru why is your energy different"? He let out a low hum, " You noticed?" I nodded and he placed a quick peck on my neck. "It's because my body recognizes you as my mate and entering a rut so to speak". Curiosity rushed through my body at the new information. He must have sensed it since he went into more detail.

"A rut is like a male Inu's version of a female's heat. My body is entering its most prominent time to reproduce. There is a good chance it's triggered by your time of bleeding. Don't worry love, we will only mate when you're ready". My cheeks burned some but a smile was firmly in place. There was something pleasing about the new knowledge I gained, but a part of me still was mildly embarrassed at the mention of mating.

I wiggled in my mate's embrace, invoking questioning sound from the large male behind me. I just continued to wiggle until I successfully turned myself around and buried my nose into the crook of his neck. I sighed softly and let the sound of his heart lull me into a relaxed state. Sesshomaru released a soft constant roll of a growl and I knew he was content. The comforting sound soon put me asleep.

When I woke up I was alone and couldn't help the small sliver of disappointment at the fact. I knew Sesshomaru was busy being a lord and all but I still wasn't too thrilled. Groaning I mentally slapped myself for being so clingy to the demon lord. Now more awake I was aware if the tension in Sesshomaru's normally calm and controlled aura. Instantly I jumped from the bed and rushed around the room to fix my appearance.

Dressed in a fresh kimono I rushed to the dojo where I felt his presence. Sesshomaru? I asked hesitantly as I opened the door. The Silver-haired male watched me closely as I entered, "What happened Sesshomaru? Your Aura is off". Golden eyes flashed in the dimming room "The Demoness Yami has surfaced".

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