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a/n tysm for 800* reads nd #2 on theblackphone tag<3333333333 —

—Bruce pov—
It's been a few months since I started to date Vance, we graduated and as a celebration my family is going to the beach! They also invited Vance. We're not gonna be away for long or be too far away.
"Bruce are you ready? We have to pick up Vance!" I can hear my mom well yell from downstairs.
"I'm ready!" I rush out with my bags and text Vance.

Pinball Lover<33
B: we're on our way!
V: ok
can't wait to see you love <3
Me too.

A week with Vance, at the beach. The house my parents rented is supposed to have four rooms. One for themselves, one for Amy and her boyfriend, and one for Vance and I. The extra room is for extra luggage.
We pick up Vance and we get to the beach rather quickly.
"You can pick your rooms when we get in, but the first floor bedroom is ours." My dad says sternly. We nod and get out of the car.
Vance is the last one upstairs because he had decided to help my parents with all the luggage, I have such a strong boyfriend 🤭.
"Have you chosen a room?" He asks walking up the stairs. He looks at four rooms, two on each side of the hall, a bedroom and a bathroom next to each other.
"No, I wanted you to have a say."
"Thanks babe," he says smiling, "which room did your sister choose?"
"The one on the Left-" I barely finish what I was saying as he grabs my hand and pushes me into the room to the right, he shuts the door behind him and shoves me on the bed.
He leaves me here as he makes sure the door is locked and he knocks on the walls and floor.
"Why are you knocking?"
"To see how thick the floor and walls are."
"They can only hear us if they're directly under or next to the walls."
"Hear what?"
He pushes me onto the bed and starts to kiss me.
"What? I graduated, wasn't the deal? I graduate, then we can kiss..." He pauses, his mind is clearly going to different places.
"and do whatever you want." I'm being serious, I'm excited to see what he does.
"Whatever I want?" He smirks. I nod.
I feel his lips find their way to mine.
end of chapter cuz I have to finish a history assignment I haven't turned in
also does anyone actually wanna read smut? they're already aged up so I don't think i'd be inappropriate😇

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