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—Bruce pov—
I wake up with Vance next to me, he always looks good in his sleep.  I reach for my phone to see what time it is. It's 7 am, my parents are probably making breakfast. I walk down stairs and greet my family.
"Is Vance up?" My mom asks.
"I don't think so, I like letting him sleep in."
"How sweet," My sister says as she walks down with her boyfriend.
"Morning to you too." I say annoyed, her boyfriend, Brian, on the other hand greets our parents with a smile on his face. He seems sweet but I don't know if I should trust him, it's like an older brother reflex I guess.
"Go wake up Vance, we should eat breakfast as a family." Mom says waving me upstairs.
"Ok!" I guess she knows I don't plan on leaving Vance. I head upstairs and he's still sleeping, he hasn't bothered to change his clothes from yesterday. Now thinking about it, did he change my clothes yesterday? Honestly I don't mind, I trust him.
"Vancey, wake up!" I poke his cheeks, he just groans and turns to face away from.
"Vance I'm serious, wake up."
"Give me a kiss then." He groans. I turn towards me and give him a quick peck on the lips.
"Now hurry up."
"Fine, but I'm gonna shower first."
"Mk!" I walk back down. "Vance is gonna shower first."
"Ok, I'm going to start breakfast then."
—time skip—
It's 12 now and we're packing for the beach.
"Bruce you should change, you're going into the water." Vance says coming back from the bathroom.
"I'm not sure if I am."
"I wasn't asking, pretty boy." He wasn't asking? What does he mean? "So you gonna change?"
"Sure." I'm interested in what he's planning.
Once we're all ready we walk down to the beach, Vance is carrying most of the stuff. He's only wearing swim trunks and sandals. I've never noticed how muscular he is until now, I mean no wonder, he used to get into a ton of fights and he works out to release stress. Wait, he used to get into fights, he's gotten into like two since we've started dating. Maybe it's just because we're together all the time and he's been studying more, I'm honestly really proud of him.
"Let's set up over here." My dad says motioning to Vance, he helps my dad set up the chairs and umbrellas.  Amy moves her chair away from the shade to tan.
"Bruce can you get sunscreen on my back?" Vance asks giving me his bottle of sunscreen.
"Of course white boy!" I laugh.
"Nothing funny about sensitive skin!" He says in an annoyed tone. "Are you finished yet?"
"Yes, you're so impatient."
"I'd say so too, now try not to squirm." He says as he picks me up bridal style and runs into the water.
"Vance! Put me down!"
"Ok," He smirks. When he puts me a down a wave hits me making me fall and now I'm soaking wet.
"Vance you asshole. Help me up!" He pulls me up laughing his off. I storm back to where we have our stairs.
"Bruce what the hell happened!" My sister asks laughing as well.
"Vance dropped me in the water." I say rolling eyes and sitting down.
"Come on Bruce, you wanted me to put you down so I did!"
"You put me down when a wave was coming! But anyway, where did Brian go?" I ask trying to change the subject.
"He went to buy a boogie board." Amy responds.
"That's a good idea, I'll go buy a sand castle kit for you Brucey." Vance says in a slightly joking tone.
"I'm not a kid, Vance."
"That doesn't matter. I'll be right back!" He runs off to the board walk.

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