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—robin pov—
Finney leave my mom sits down next.
"son novios?"
I hesitate, are we? we didn't talk about it. "no?" I respond, I know she can sense the uncertainty in my tone.
"ok, no dejes que te haga doler," she gets up and heads out the door, "y para de fumar o te va salir peor."
I've never appreciated her threats but whatever, I nod and grab my phone to text Finn.
a/n- the text part is gonna have to be in regular format cuz my phone won't let me do it how i wanna, bolds are finney, regular is robin
Hey did you get home safe?
Yea, what did your mom say?
Nothing really
She just told me to stop smoking
She's right.
Shut up, you were smoking with me.
Can we hang out after your baseball game tomorrow. There's something I wanna talk about
Sure, now go to bed.
Solo por ti, amor.
I'm gonna google translate that
robin deleted a chat
That's not necessary lmao.
Good night.
SHORT CHAPTER CUZ I'M IN SCHOOL ND MY PHONE IS ABT TO BE TAKEN, BYE ND THANK FOR 400 READS (idk if its 300 or 400 but still tysm, nd thanks for the votes<33333

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