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"I miss you already~"

Jin giggled softly and turned her body on the bed by laying on the stomach. She was shyly kicking her legs out and stuffed her head in the pillow further more by looking at the sweet message from Jungkook.

She had read it six times already but still she felt blush creeping on her cheeks. Her heart beat was rising with each minute by how Jungkook made her feel just from a single message.

"We just saw each other few minutes ago, Jungkook." Jin replied in her message, but she too knew that it would be a lie if she said she didn't miss her boss. Heck, it's been only an hour ever since she came back to her house after their date.

They both shared their first kiss and it was lovely. Jin brought her crooked fingers over her plump lips by imagining the memory that happened in Jungkook's house. Her heart jumped in joy when she heard a 'Ping' sound in her notification. She laid on her back and smiled like a crazy woman by seeing the message from Jungkook.

"So what? I wish you were here."

Definitely Jin could tell that Jeon Jungkook was a flirt. He was a playboy in his college days and no wonder he would have made several women's heart flutter by his charms and looks.

"Why are you smiling like a creep?" Jimin asked suspiciously but that went unheard to Jin, since she was busy in reading the new message for several times. She didn't feel Jimin's presence beside her and she didn't really paid attention by how her best friend was literally reading their conversation through their message.

Jin came out of her thoughts when she found her hand empty. With wide eyes she looked around to find Jimin going through her phone by snatching it away from her hands.

"Wow, you guys are having sexting?" Jin blushed heavily by hearing her best friend's words.

"W-What? No, we are just texting." She whispered lowly and sat beside Jimin who was reading their messages loudly. Jin groaned when her best friend started to tease by how they were talking like teenagers.

"Minnie, it's invasion of privacy. Give it to me." Jin tried to pull her phone from Jimin's small hands but the other was strangely strong and snorted by his best friend's remark.

"Oh please, I literally tell you how many times I had sex with Taehyung. And I remember you asking that for many times. Now you say that this is privacy. Let me tell you sweetheart. There is nothing called 'Privacy' between us."

Jimin softly poked on Jin's nose before lying on the bed by adjusting some pillows on his head. Jin groaned loudly and she knew that the other was right. They were literally sharing everything with each other.

With a pout, Jin laid beside Jimin and both were reading the messages again and again.

"So, your date went well I guess. Look at him already being clingy." Jimin teased Jungkook to which Jin giggled with a nod. Of course their date had gone more than well. And they felt like it was over too soon.

"It went so good, Minnie. Like I told you, the kids were also there. So, I was relaxed. And we both kissed too."

The moment Jimin heard about the kiss, he immediately perked up his interest and sat on the bed with his knees while holding the pillow against his belly.

"K-Kiss? Oh Jin, tell me more. Did he touch you on your waist, cheeks or neck? Was it rough or soft? Did he hold you close?"

Jin chuckled but she too sat up on her bed before grabbing a pillow against her chest. Her thoughts went back to Jungkook's house where they had kiss.

"After putting the kids on the bed, we both were in the living room .Only our breaths could be heard in the silence. He walked towards me slowly and I mirrored his actions. His tattooed hands softly held my cheeks right here."

Jin showed her left side where she remembered Jungkook caressing it softly. Jimin cooed and he softly touched on Jin's cheeks before pinching it softly. His crescent eyes were eagerly waiting to hear further more.

"Then what happened?"

"He leaned towards me and I felt his breathing against my face. His lips were just few inches away from mine."

Jin indicated the gap with her fingers and Jimin being the interested one here, he took his finger between the gap in Jin's hands and whined by how small the gap was.

"Oh my god, you guys were literally breathing from each other. Tell me, tell me."

"Yes, Minnie. I closed my eyes when I felt his bunny lips brushing against mine. But he didn't kiss me. He was just teasing me with his lips merely touching my plump ones."

Jimin frowned with a whine and complained about Jungkook being such a tease.

"But you know about me. I reached my hands over his head and pulled him for a kiss. The moment our lips touched, I felt butterflies. We both moaned by how good it felt by having each other's lips together.

Minnie, that was the best moment for me. The way his hands traveled down to my waist from my cheeks and how firmly he grabbed me. I was weak in my knees, Minnie. Had he not held me tighter, I would have passed out."

Jimin and Jin were laughing together by discussing how the incident turned out. The two best friends were busy in imagining several things about the future.

While Jungkook back in his house was talking with Yoongi through his phone about how their date went.

"Yeah, and we kissed in the living room." Jungkook smiled by recalling how fierce Jin was when she pulled him for a kiss.


Yoongi questioned while taking a sip of his wine from the glass. He was in his bedroom binge watching television drama to kill his boredom.

"Yes." Jungkook nodded and soon the Yoonkook buddies discussed about other matters and asked about Yoongi's crush. It seemed like, Yoongi had hit a jackpot because the crush which he had for two boys seemed to have same interest on him.

The three are now trying to be in a relationship together and Yoongi was more than happy to be squished between Namjoon and Hoseok.

The night went just like that with Jungkook talking with Yoongi about his life, while Jin and Jimin talking about some dirty moments that might happen in the future.

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