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It's been almost two years since Jungkook and Jin have been together. Sarang was already eight and she was getting beautiful everyday. While Jia, she is such a precious girl. She was almost four and she was capturing everyone's heart already.

Jia started to speak few words and her beautiful bunny smile could make anyone to do anything for her. She started to walk without anyone's help and showing off her dancing skills whenever they watch television in the living room.

Jungkook have been thinking about whether or not to enroll Jia in preschool. But his heart was not okay with it. He wanted to spend more time with his daughters, and Sarang was already excelling in her school grades. 

Ever since Jin agreed to move in with Jungkook, her boyfriend had been so eager. He had helped her in moving things everyday with few boxes. It's not like Jin had so many things to pack. She only had clothes and some house decorations. It didn't take much time to unpack everything in Jungkook's house.

Jin had been working in the clubs late at night and spending day time with the Jeons family. She couldn't ask anything more than this. Jimin had gone to his honeymoon with his husband to Bali and spoiling her with photos on Instagram.

Now the two besties were sitting in the living room of Jeons house and sharing the honeymoon experience.

"Oh my god Jinnie! You should visit that place once in your lifetime. I never knew it would be fun. Tae and I were literally fucking everywhere on the island."

Jimin was jumping excitedly by thinking about the memories. All Jin could do was smile and shake her head in disbelief. Of course the two best friends always shared every details. There were no such thing called secrets between them.

"Good for you, Minnie! And stop saying the F word, Jia is in her room drawing." Jin whispered while looking at the slightly opened door of Jia's room. Strangely Jia was just opposite to Sarang. While Sarang loved to study and write assignments, Jia was more creative. She loved dancing and drawing. But both of them shined in everything they do.

"Oops, sorry. But yeah, the water was so clean, and we were just swimming and doing all water sports activities. No matter how much we ate, we burned our calories in one way or the other." Jimin said and started to drink the tea which Jin had prepared for him.

It was already afternoon and Jin prepared lunch for them. After feeding Jia, she put her on the bed for an afternoon nap. Now Jimin and Jin were in the balcony looking at the bright sun and eating ice cream.

Jimin looked over at his best friend, and his heart felt ease and happy by seeing Jin like this. He had never seen Jin this happy and content. He could feel her enjoying her relationship and the new house.

"So, you still working in the club?" Jimin asked casually while taking a spoon of mint ice cream. It had weird taste but this is the only ice cream tub which the Jeons fridge had.  Jin released a heavy sigh and put her ice cream bowl down on the table before hugging her legs on the chair.

"Yes." Jin knew Jimin never liked her working in that club. He also recommended her to join Tae's company but other politely rejected the offer.

Jimin frowned and finished his ice cream before placing the bowl on the table. He turned on the chair to face Jin who was closing her eyes softly and letting the afternoon breeze flow on her face.

"Jinnie, you already have everything now. You have a boyfriend, a house and a family. Why do you have to work more?" 

Jin knew that her best friend was looking up for her. But sometimes her crazy bestie forgets her dream in her life. She opened her eyes and looked at Jimin who was pouting like a baby.

"You are right, Minnie. I didn't expect that I would find love in my life. But, now I have everything that I wanted in a relationship. But just because I am already settled doesn't mean that I can erase my dream. 

You know my dream. I have been striving hard in my life to achieve it. I am saving money for that. I-I just can't ask Jungkook to pay for my dream. It's mine and I have to work on it."

Jimin knew what his best friend was saying. Of course they have had several midnight talks while talking about their dreams. Though Jimin had offered to provide her money, Jin never took it. She always said she had to earn for her dream. He knew that he could never win an argument over this.

"I-I know, Jinnie baby~ But it's expensive and painful too. I can't see you in pain." Jimin pouted and tears were forming in his eyes. When Jin had told him about the dream when they were lying lazily on the bed few years ago, he searched up the internet the next day. He felt his head spinning by reading all the complications and expenditures behind the dream.

But he didn't want to demotivate his best friend. He wanted to be supportive. So he always paid attention whenever Jin talked about her dreams and money savings.

Jin smiled by seeing her best friend looking cute with puppy eyes. She knew that Jimin was caring person and protective when it came to her. She leaned towards Jimin and wiped his tears before caressing the puffy cheeks.

"I have come this far, Minnie. Just few more months and I could have what I want. I checked in the bank last week, and I have almost saved up enough money for my dream." 

"D-Did you talk with Jungkook about this?" Jin frowned and released a heavy sigh when she heard the name Jungkook. Of course, she didn't know how to approach her boyfriend and break the news to him. She knew that Jungkook was already planning to get married to her. And she too wanted that. 

Jin could already imagine Jungkook and her getting married, going on honeymoon and enjoying walking on the beach with Jia and Sarang holding their hands.

"N-Not yet!" Jimin gasped by hearing Jin's words.

"Jin, you can't hide this from him. He needed to know what you are up to. I can see that bunny guy being head over heels for you already." 

Jin chuckled and couldn't agree more with Jimin's words. Of course, Jungkook was the best thing that happened in her life after Jimin. 

"Soon, Minnie. Soon." Jin whispered to Jimin and to herself.

The best friends shared some conversations while having tea in the evening, with Jimin giving gifts which he bought from Bali to the Jeons family. Jimin had bought cute dresses for the girls, a cool shirt and shorts for Jungkook and a summer crop top and a shorts for Jin. 

Everything was falling in right places and she was feeling happy to be where she was right now. 

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