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"Oh my god, Jin~ You are going to get married~"

Jimin shouted happily by jumping up and down and clapping his hands like a seal. When Jimin told that he was going to throw the bouquet, Jin didn't want to participate in the game. But Sarang and Jia cheered for her to go. One bunny smile from Jungkook was all she needed before standing in the crowd.

But what she didn't expect was to catch the bouquet. Jin never believed in myths like this. But she felt blush creeping on her cheeks when Jimin shouted. Her eyes looked over Jungkook who was smirking and winking at her.

Jia and Sarang ran over to Jin and hugged her legs happily. The wedding party was a blast and now the couple were seated in the middle with speeches given by the guests. It was Jin's turn to give her speech and she stood up before clinking her glass with a fork.

She cleared her throat and looked at Jimin who was showing his famous eye smile at her and eagerly waiting for her to speak.

"H-Hi~ I am Jin, Jimin's best friend. I have known him ever since we were kindergarten. I still remember how we used to talk about weddings and doodling in our last page of notebook by imagining our dream weddings."

Jimin chuckled along with other guests. Of course how could he forget. Himself and Jin spent most of their times discussing about dream destinations and how the person they will get married will loo like.

"But here we are already. Time did really run fast. Jimin is the most kindest and sweetest angel I have ever met in my life. And I will be always thankful that I get to share my friendship with him for these many years. I knew that I would never trade anything for what I have with him." Jin took a deep breath and controlled her tears. She wanted to be strong to finish her speech.

"We both had lots of arguments, fights and sometimes cried by getting emotional. But at the end of the day, I always seek his comfort and vice versa. We have been inseparable until he met his love of his life Kim Taehyung. The person who showed my Jiminie a world which no one could ever show."

Taehyung felt his hands being wrapped by his husband. He looked aside to see Jimin giving him a small smile.  Taehyung caressed Jimin's hands before pressing a small kiss over it.

"I am really happy that Jimin met someone who can tolerate his silliness and craziness. I always wondered whether he will get married with his weird behavior. But thank god, he has Taehyung. I am sure Taehyung will have one adventurous life waiting for him in future. Taehyung please take care of my Jiminie. He is insane sometimes, but you can't live without that insane person in your life."

The guests chuckled when Jimin whined with a pout. But gladly Taehyung kissed it and cooed at his husband. Jia and Sarang were sitting in awe by looking at Jin speaking. Jungkook was having fun by having his girlfriend expressing her emotions.

"I remember how Taehyung came to our shared house and told me that Jimin didn't want to move in with him because he wanted to be with me. 

Now where will I ever find a person like that in this universe? A friend who puts my feelings before him. Jimin is more than my friend. He is my family, my mother, my father, my troublesome brother and most of all he is my soulmate.

When I thought I didn't have anyone, he showed up from nowhere. When I was in my low life, he gave me strength and picked me up like a baby. All my life, when I look back, there is only one person beside me. And that's Jimin. I don't know if I have ever expressed how much I value you in my life Minnie, but  there is no Jinnie without Jiminie."

Jin looked at with Jimin with a sad smile and she felt urge to wipe the tears from her best friend's face.

"This is one of the most important day in our lives. I-I don't want you to cry or get emotional. Our dreams have come true, Minnie~ You and I found a family with whom we will spend the rest of our lives with. Happy married life, Jimin. I will always be with you and my love will never shade. To the newly wedded Vmin couple."

With that Jin raised her glass and everyone clapped for her speech. Jimin stood up from his place and rushed to hug Jin who welcomed the warmth. Jimin was shaking by how hard he was sobbing. But Jin softly hugged him, and whispered sweet words.

"Now, now, we don't want your makeup to ruin, do we?" Jin teased her best friend who chuckled with tears. He leaned back and wiped his tears before leaning to kiss on Jin's cheeks. Jin with a wide smile kissed her best friend back and hugged one last time.

Jimin went to his place and waited for others to continue their speeches. Jin slowly sat and laughed when Sarang and Jia clapped for her.

"T-That was a good speech, Jin~" Jungkook felt proud to see his girlfriend giving an extraordinary speech. Even he felt emotional in between the moments. 

"Thank you, Kook." Jin smiled warmly before leaning her head on Jungkook's shoulder. Her crooked fingers found Jungkook's tattooed one and she was playing with it.

"Did you mean what you said?" Jungkook whispered lowly and of course Jin expected him to ask this in sometime but not immediately. 

She leaned back to look at Jungkook's doe eyes which were eagerly waiting for her answer.

"I meant every word I said, Jungkook. You are my family and to answer your previous question. Yes, I will move in with you." 

Jin controlled her laughter when she saw how big Jungkook's eyes widened in surprise. She kissed the cute nose and cupped her boyfriend's cheeks to make him come to the reality.

"Y-You are saying yes?" Jungkook asked still unsure of what he heard. He knew how Jin sometimes can be stubborn in her decision. But he never expected to accept his proposal.

"You don't want me to move in?" Jin fake pouted making Jungkook to shake his head immediately.

"Of course not, Jinnie. I-I just can't believe you agreed quickly." Jin chuckled and let Jungkook to drape his arms over her body. She loved how she felt safe and secure in those strong arms.

"I know, but like you said, we are literally living together. So why not we make it official?" Jungkook was jumping in joy in his brain by how happy he was. He kissed Jin's forehead softly and looked at his babies who was listening to other speeches.

"We are one family together." Jungkook whispered and he felt like he had achieved a great thing in his life. But yes, of course he did. He has the two adorable daughters in his life, and the most precious and beautiful woman on his side as his girlfriend, who will soon be his wife.

He couldn't wait to spend the rest of his life with these three angels beside him.

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