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"The apartment is empty without you, Minnie~" Jin whined loudly on the phone and laid on the bed with a heavy sigh.

But that was the truth. After Jimin got engaged, Taehyung had been insisting his fiance to move in with him. But Jimin was reluctant about the offer, because he didn't want to leave his best friend alone. So Taehyung decided to take actions by meeting with Jin.

Jin remembered their conversation, when Taehyung came to their apartment to talk with her. She was initially shocked at first, because Jimin was not there. But she didn't want to be rude, so she let Taehyung inside and brew a cup of coffee for her best friend's fiance.

Taehyung was awkwardly sitting on the edge of the sofa and sipped the coffee before clearing his throat by placing the mug on the table.

"I-I am sorry to make a sudden appearance. But I really need to talk with you."

Jin gulped when she saw how serious Taehyung's eyes were. She understood that Taehyung didn't want Jimin to know whatever he was trying to speak now. So she positively nodded at him who spoke whatever he had planned in his mind.

"I am sure you know that Jimin and I got engaged. And soon we are planning to get married in the fall season. Jimin likes snow, so I have planned for a late October or early November month. But the thing is, I really miss him so much.

Though he is working under me, I just want to be with him and share everything with him. I have asked him to move in with me many times, but he is just not up for it. And whenever I ask the reason, he is just ignoring my questions.

You are his best friend, right? Can you talk with him and convince him to move in with me? My parents are also fond of him and they want to meet him and spoil him with gifts. But he is strong with his decision.

I know it's wrong of me to ask you a favor when I haven't talked with you much. But I truly believe that you know about him more than I do. And I hope that he will listen to you. I know it's just a month away for our wedding, but I so badly need him beside with me."

Jin who was listening carefully felt really bad about hearing Taehyung's feelings. She was sure that Jimin was not accepting his offer because of her. So she felt even more guilty for being the reason for a couple to not be together.

She bit her lips anxiously and shifted on the sofa softly before looking at Taehyung to speak her decision.

"I-I will speak with him, Taehyung-shi. I think I know the reason but don't worry. I am confident that Jimin would listen to me."

Taehyung felt incredibly happy after hearing those words. So he left the apartment with a boxy grin and thanked Jin for considering to do a favor. The same night, Jin had asked Jimin why he was not moving in with Taehyung even though she already knew the answer.

"Wait, how do you know this? Did Taehyung come here and talked behind my back?" Jimin pouted and sulked making Jin to sigh heavily. She plopped on the bed on her knees and held Jimin's small fingers within her own crooked fingers.

"Yes, he did. But Jimin, he is your fiance. I don't think it's good for me to keep you away from him in this apartment. You should have seen his face. That man was looking miserable and he was missing you."

"So you got tired off me? You want to kick me out from here?" Jin giggled by seeing how cute Jimin was acting right now. Since she was good at babysitting Jungkook's daughters, Jimin kind of looked like a baby and Jin took it as her duty to comfort the big baby infront of her.

"You know that you are stuck with me forever, Minnie. Besides, you will have to eventually move out once you married Taehyung. Or do you want him to live here in this small apartment?"

Jimin's eyes were welling up with tears by hearing Jin's words. He didn't like this conversation at all. He had spent his entire life with Jin since they were in kindergarten. And he felt really sad by leaving Jin alone in this apartment.

"I-I don't want to leave you~" Jimin choked his cries to which Jin widened her eyes in shock. Never did she expect Jimin to cry on this matter. But in an instinct, Jin hugged her best friend who was crying loud by hugging her tightly.

Jimin was wetting Jin's tshirt with his tears and he was snuggling over his best friend's breasts. Jin was soothing her hands over Jimin's back by whispering sweet words. The two best friends were crying loud in the middle of the bed. Of course Jin too felt emotional after seeing her best friend's tears.

The two took their time to cry their hearts out and broke their hug after several minutes. Their faces were red and puffy and they giggled by looking at their appearances. Jin held Jimin's hands softly and looked at him in the eyes.

"You are not leaving me, Minnie~ We are just moving forward in our lives. Just because you are getting married, doesn't change anything between us. You will always be my best friend and no one could change that."

Jimin was nodding like a good boy by biting his lips to control his tears because he was going to cry soon again.

"Y-Yes, and I will your best man for your wedding too, right?" Jimin sniffled his nose and wiped his runny nose with his sweater paw. Jin mirrored his actions and wiped her tears with her tshirt.

"Ofcourse, Minnie. I wouldn't get married with Jungkook without you beside me. It's a promise which we did back in our kindergarten, Minnie~"

Jin showed her pinky finger to which Jimin giggled cutely. He too brought his small pinky finger and joined it by sealing it as a promise. The two friends laughed together by thinking about their childhood memories where the Mini Jimin and Mini Jin promised each other to be the best man when they got married.

Now Jin was whining on the phone by feeling lonely without her best friend. It's been a month since Jimin moved out and Jin was the one who had helped in moving things.

"I wish I got married to you, Jinnie~ We didn't have to go through this moving out stuffs. Stupid Taehyung and stupid handsome."

Jimin said on the other line making Jin to laugh loudly. She laid on her bed softly and hugged the pillow which had a faint smell of her best friend.

"Yes, Minnie~ Stupid Jungkook and his stupid handsome."

Jin and Jimin laughed together by thinking about their choice of words. The two best friends spent their time by talking about the plan for their wedding.

"And we have so much to do for your wedding now. Because I need to walk you down the aisle with a bridesmaid dress. Come with me to the shopping to choose the dress, Minnie~"

"Of course, Jinnie~ Just text me the time and day, I will there to pick you up."

Soon they both started to brainstorm ideas for the dresses that need to be wore. Time did run fast but that never bothered the two best friends who were completely ignoring their fiance and their boyfriend.

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