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Jin's face was widely grinning while busying herself in decorating the cake. The girls were giggling and clapping their hands by seeing the hard work which Jin had put on the cake. After decorating the cake with the whipped cream, she leaned back and felt proud by seeing her work.


That's how the birthday cake looked like. Of course, it would be because Jin had spent hours on youtube and practicing it for long time in her house. She wanted the cake to be special and she also allowed the girls to help her in making the one.

Although Jia's face was completely decorated with whipped cream, she was looking lovely. Sarang's big doe eyes was in awe by looking at the beautiful cake.

"Daddy is going to love this cake, Jin. We did it!"

Sarang shouted happily and was jumping in joy while getting high fives with Jin. The two were giggling loudly and nodding their heads like it was true.

Today was Jungkook's birthday. And Jin wanted to make her boyfriend's birthday special. She felt sad for not being there with Jungkook to wake him up with a morning birthday kiss. Although Jungkook had asked her to stay for the night since he wanted to wake up with Jin on his birthday, she denied it.

Jin was having her surprise gift back at her apartment, so she needed to pick it up and come here. That was the reason why she had arrived earlier to the Jeons house in the morning.

After arriving, she rushed to the girls room to make sure that they were sleeping peacefully. She closed the door softly, and jogged to her boyfriend's bedroom door. Her eyes were twinkling in joy by looking at her handsome boyfriend sleeping on his stomach with parted lips and snoring softly.

A chuckle left her lips when she found Jungkook hugging the pillow which Jin used to sleep on it.

"He really missed me~" Jin whispered to herself. She slowly leaned down and replaced the pillow with her own body by snuggling to her boyfriend.

"Mmm~" Jungkook hummed in appreciation when he felt warmth on his naked chest. Of course Jungkook loved to sleep shirtless, and he was only on his sweatpants.

Jin tried to control her giggles and she softly caressed Jungkook's hair that was sticking to his forehead. She blew some air over Jungkook's face who scrunched his nose cutely and whined by hugging Jin even more tighter.

"Happy birthday, handsome~" Jin whispered by leaning down to kiss on Jungkook's lips. She felt those bunny lips twitching and smiling through the kiss. She knew that her boyfriend was already up but he was closing his eyes because he wanted to wake up with Jin beside him.

"Thank you, baby~ What took you so long?" Jungkook whined like a baby and chased for those plump lips with a pucker lips without opening his eyes.

And who was Jin to deny it. She cupped Jungkook's face and kissed him perfectly making Jungkook to hum in satisfaction.

After kissing for a minute, Jungkook fluttered his eyelashes and showed his bunny teeth by seeing Jin's face all pretty and beautiful as first thing in the morning.

"Good morning, sweetheart~" Jungkook pulled Jin's legs over his thighs and circled his arms over Jin's waist. They were facing each other with their breaths fanning over their faces.

"Morning, birthday baby~"

Jungkook giggled by hearing Jin calling him with a nickname. It was really rare to find Jin calling him with pet names because she always addressed him as Jungkook.

"Aghh, if I get to hear you call me baby only on my birthdays, I wish my birthday was everyday."

Jin giggled and playfully hit on Jungkook's chest making the other to whine softly. But of course she loved calling her boyfriend with pet names but she was little shy about it.

"Is that your wish on your birthday?" Jin asked while caressing those cheeks. Jungkook sighed heavily and he acted like he was thinking about something.

"Mmm~ I don't want to waste my birthday wish so soon for something like this. I am saving it for the night~" Jungkook whispered and pinched on Jin's waist making his girlfriend yelp cutely.

"Is that so?"

Although Jin acted like the words of her boyfriend didn't affect her, her face was blushing red which showed Jungkook that the other was loving his talk.

"Yes, and I hate that I have to go to work. Can't I just stay here? It's my birthday, and I wish to stay on bed by tangled up with you and our daughters,"

Again there it is. Our daughters.

Jin didn't know whether Jungkook was aware of his words or not. It's been almost a year since they started dating and the two have spent more time valuable with each other and with kids. Jungkook never mentioned the girls as 'his kids.' He always addressed them as 'our kids' which did butterflies in Jin's stomach.

Even though Jin was not the original parent, she loved that her boyfriend took her as his own family.

But her thoughts soon came to an end, when Jungkook nuzzled his face in Jin's neck and snuggled closer by having a nice warmth.

"Well, if you take leave, then Sarang wouldn't go either. Do you want that to happen?" Jin asked softly while caressing Jungkook's hair. All she got was a whine and a negative nod from her boyfriend.

"Fine, but shower with me."

Jin yelped in shock when Jungkook bit her softly on the collarbone. Jin gulped hard when she found her boyfriend's boner poking right at her thighs.

"I know how our shower session ends up, Jungkook. Besides I already took one back in my apartment. So now, go and get ready. I need to wake the girls and prepare breakfast."

But Jungkook was not having any of it. He was clingy today and hugging Jin by closer like she would disappear if he leaves the bed.

"Come on, baby~ Don't you want to open your surprise gift tonight that I had prepared for you?"

That was enough for Jungkook to open his eyes wide comically making Jin to chuckle by seeing how cute her boyfriend was right now. Jin had called him 'baby' and Jungkook groaned by how sexy it sounded from his girlfriend's voice.

"You will not sleep tonight, baby~"

"Well, I couldn't wait for that. I am all yours. Now go and shower, you big baby." Jin got up and pulled Jungkook's arms along with her. Somehow she managed to bring Jungkook with her to the bathroom and pushed him inside.

Just when she was about to turn around, the bathroom door opened making her to turn back. Jungkook was cutely peeking his head from the door and pouted with those puppy eyes.

Don't fall for those puppy eyes, Jin.

"Baby, do I really have to bath alone? It's so boring and lonely without you."

Jin was on the verge of falling for those eyes but she managed herself and she walked towards Jungkook who smiled by her approaching towards him.

But soon Jungkook groaned when Jin shut the door and walked out of the bedroom. She controlled her giggles and was on her way to wake up the girls. Soon she prepared breakfast for them and brought girls down the hall.

"Happy birthday, daddy~" Sarang ran towards Jungkook the moment she saw her father walking towards them. With a bunny smile, he picked his daughter up in his arms and smothered her with kisses all over her face.

"Thank you, darling. Look at you, all ready for school already." Sarang nodded and let Jungkook to drop her feet on the ground. Jin smiled when she saw her boyfriend walking to their daughter Jia who was clapping her hands on the high chair.

Jungkook kissed Jia and picked her up by putting her on his lap before sitting on the table. Soon the family started to eat their breakfast and were getting ready for their day.

Jin saw Jungkook leaving with Sarang in the car and she was holding Jia in her arms while waving her hands for the family.

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