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Jin was smiling widely while she was busy in braiding Sarang's hair. The said girl was humming softly and she was happy with how her new hairstyle was coming out through the mirror. Her doe eyes looked over at her sister Jia, who was on the side playing with toys and giggling loudly.

It was the weekend, and Jin didn't have to babysit the girls because Jungkook had off day at work. But after the two started to date, Jin didn't took her job as babysitting the girls. She felt like it was her responsibility to take care of the girls. So, she always spent time with Sarang and Jia and loved seeing her boyfriend everyday.

Jungkook's ex-wife didn't come to pick up her kids because she had a date. Jin knew that the other has been using this as the same excuse to not pick up their daughters. But however Jungkook was happy that he got to spend time with his loved ones.

Jin happily put colorful beads on Sarang's hair and to be honest, the girl was looking pretty. She leaned over Sarang's shoulder and looked at the mirror which the small girl was holding. Jin wiggled her eyebrows proudly to which Sarang giggled happily.

"Do you like it?" Sarang with a wide bunny smile turned her head left and right by admiring her cute hairstyle. Her bunny teeth was showing out cutely and she nodded softly.

"I love it, Jin." Sarang said making Jin to smile proudly. Jin's eyes looked over Jia who was playing with the toys and her eyes widened when she saw Jia licking it.

"Ayy~No, Jia. You shouldn't put your mouth on it." Jin cutely warned Jia and picked her up in her lap before wiping the drool from the baby's lips. Sarang was admiring Jin and Jia who were looking cute together.

Jin softly brushed Jia's hair with a big tooth comb and she carefully leaned down to pick up a hair band to put it over her small head. Sarang who had been silent by watching the scene infront of her finally decided to open her mouth.

"Jin, will you stay with us?" Jin who was busy in hairdressing Jia smiled by the question. Her eyes looked at Sarang who was having big bambi eyes at her while eagerly waiting for the answer.

"Of course, Sarang. It's just afternoon." Jin answered without stopping her brush on Jia's hair. She put some decorative clips over Jia's head and loved how pretty she looked.

"No, I meant forever. Will you stay with us forever?" Jin's hands halted and with wide alpaca eyes she looked at Sarang to make sure she heard right.

"Do you want me to?" Jin asked softly while holding Jia in her lap. Without hesitation, Sarang nodded happily with a wide grin.

"Yes, I love you and you love us and daddy. And daddy loves you too. We all can be happy together forever, Jin. It would be so much fun. I can do your hair and makeup. We can go to beach, park and theaters everywhere together."

Jin couldn't help but chuckle by hearing how much Sarang had imagined in her cute little brain. But she wouldn't deny that how much she loved those imaginations. She could see herself with Jungkook and the girls in beach running around happily like a family.

There were no reasons for Jin to think to answer Sarang because she wanted that too. So Jin found herself nodding to which Sarang squealed happily in joy and hugged Jin. But the three ladies were busy in their own world that they forgot to notice Jungkook who was standing near the door and listening to their conversation.

Soon, the time ran fast and night arrived. Jin had prepared a healthy meal for the family along with Jungkook who really made difficult to cook. Because he was stealing kisses from Jin time to time and they both were getting naughty in the kitchen area.

After feeding the children and themselves, the Jinkook couple had put Sarang and Jia in the bed and had sung lullaby for them to sleep. After seeing the kids softly snoring, the couple turned off the lights and softly closed the bedroom door.

Now Jungkook was lying on the bed on his stomach and his hands were holding his face for the support. He was busy in admiring Jin who was doing her skin care routine in the mirror. She was feeling shy by seeing Jungkook through the mirror who was staring at her without taking his eyes off.

"Jungkook, why are you looking at me like that?" Jin whispered after patting the night cream all over her face and turned around to walk towards her boyfriend.

Jungkook gave a giddy smile and sat up on the bed, and reached his hands for Jin who immediately placed her hands over his. Without wasting time, Jungkook pulled his girlfriend towards him, who stumbled lightly and landed right on his lap.

Jin bit her plump lips shyly and circled her hands around Jungkook's neck while softly getting comfortable on her boyfriend's lap.

"Like what?" Jungkook softly whispered making Jin to squirm under his strong eyes. She felt shy and also little bit hot by how intense Jungkook was looking at her.

"Like you are going to eat me." Jungkook chuckled softly when he saw how Jin blushed the moment she said those words. She closed her eyes when she felt her boyfriend leaning to her ears and sucking on her earlobes lightly.

"I don't deny that. I literally want to eat you." Jin rolled her eyes back in pleasure when Jungkook sucked on her sensitive spot below her ears. Her hands reached for Jungkook's smoothy hair and pulled it softly making Jungkook to groan by the action.

Jin opened her eyes when she felt her boyfriend leaning back. They both looked at each other with half lidded eyes, and Jin leaned back when Jungkook reached for a kiss. With a whine, Jungkook tried to kiss once again but Jin giggled loudly and got up from Jungkook's lap making her boyfriend to pout.

"Jin, I am trying to do something here." Jungkook pouted at Jin who was walking to the dressing table and he saw her picking up some things.

"And I am trying to do something here too." Jungkook's eyes widened in surprise when he saw Jin showing off the skin care kit and wiggling her eyebrows.

"You are joking , right?" Jungkook could feel his breath hitching by seeing Jin walking towards him with the skin care products. But still he let Jin to sit on his lap and he circled his hands over Jin's waist to hold her perfectly.

"No, I am not. I want to take care of your skin too." How could Jungkook say no to the alpaca eyes which showed nothing but love. He let Jin to do the skin care routine and showed his face.

"Wow, someone is eager~" Jin giggled before taking out the products to lay it on the bed. With her experienced hands, she applied the cream over Jungkook's face softly and massaged it gently. Jungkook could feel himself relaxing and kind of loved the smell of the cream.

Jin didn't like how Jungkook's hair was falling over his forehead, so she took a hair clip from her head and pulled some of her boyfriend's hair to sides and pinned it down. Jungkook looked like a baby in  front of her and she she couldn't help but kiss his cute nose.

Jin put some serum on the flawless face and lathered it all over Jungkook's face. With a happy smile, Jin peeled off the mask sheet and carefully put in on her boyfriend. Jin giggled loudly by seeing Jungkook doing some weird faces with the face mask.

 She reached for her phone on the table and took several pictures of her boyfriend who was having a bunny smile all the time.

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