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The sky was getting darker and the moon was glowing with other stars. But no matter what time it is, the girls were not letting Jin to take them back home. She was happy when Sarang asked if they could go to the beach.

It's been really a long time since she took Jia and Sarang alone. So without hesitation, she agreed to go. The girls were playful today and enjoying the water. After playing in the water, the sisters started to build sand castle. 

Jin knew that Jia had creative skills. But she never expected a 4-year-old to have such ideas. She was helping Sarang and instructing her how to build one. Of course, Jin took so many photos of them and sent it to her boyfriend.

She couldn't believe that it's been two and a half years already since their relationship. Everyday was new to her, and she loved waking up with Jungkook beside her pouting softly with a light snore. She could never get tired of it. 

Jin was sure that her decision to move in with Jungkook was the bestest decision in her life. And most importantly, the girls loved her more than she expected. Every time they always look for Jin, though Jia could speak now with clear words, she always called Jin as 'Ji'. Which is kind of cute.

"Babies, today you have played enough already. Shall we go now?" Jin asked while tucking her side bangs behind her ears. The chill air was blowing at their faces and thankfully she was wearing sweatpants and a light jacket. 

It was the end of April, but the weather still felt like a winter season. Except for the snow, it was raining somedays and sunny with windy weather.

Sarang and Jia looked at each other with a pout. They both were playing according to their daddy's plan. By now, their savior should have come. But before they could ask for little time, their eyes lit with sparkle when the expected person came to the rescue.

"Jinnie!" Jin who was having her hands on her hips to give a strict glare at the girls, softened when she saw her best friend approaching them.

"Minnie~What a surprise!" Jin soon forgot about going home and hugged her best friend. Jia and Sarang exchanged a known look and giggled silently before putting high five with each other.

"I went to your house, it was locked. Then saw your Instagram status, and came here." Jin sheepishly laughed by her friend's remarks. Of course, Jin had a private account with only trusted people. She didn't want others to see her happiness. She was okay with her little friend circle.

"Oh yeah! The girls wanted to visit the beach, so we came." The mention of girls the two best friends saw the sisters who were already running towards Jimin.

"Minmin oppa!" The two shouted happily and hugged Jimin's legs. The four laughed loudly and had a small chat before Jimin offered his best friend to give a ride home.

"The house is near, Jimin. There's no need for you to drive us." Jia and Sarang widened their eyes in shock. According to their dad, Jin was supposed to be in the car.

"B-But Ji, my legs are sore~" Jia pouted and pinched her sister who yelped lightly to support her comment.

"A-ah, yes Jin. I am tired from building the sandcastle too. Can we please go in Minmin oppa's car?"

Of course how could Jin say no to those puppy eyes. She always had soft spot to those doe puppy eyes. She sighed with a nod, and let Jimin to take them home. She was busy in looking at the backseat where the girls were giggling mysteriously, she didn't notice Jimin taking a different route.

When Jin turned to the road, she frowned when Jimin was driving in a wrong route.

"Jimin, this is not the route to our house." Jin said with furrowed eyebrows and looked over at her best friend who gave an innocent smile.

"It is, Jinnie. Just sit comfortably, I will drive you to home." Jimin said making Jin to get confused even more. She knew that Jimin was not some creepy stranger who was going to kidnap them. But she thought maybe her best friend had to buy something for him before dropping them.

But the more she was looking at the windows, the more she became aware of the route. The road which Jimin was taking them was bringing her so many emotions. How could she forget the place which held so many memories.

She gulped hard, when the car came to a stop. She looked out at the window to see her old apartment where Jimin and she stayed for god knows how many years. Her body was shaking for unknown reasons. 

Jin never visited here after she moved in with Jungkook. Of course she was crying that night so hard with Jungkook comforting her for moving out from this house. It's not just a house, it's a 'Home'.

After few minutes, she gathered some energy and looked at Jimin who was mischiviously smiling at her. The girls in the backseat already got down and opened the door for Jin.

"W-What are we doing here?" Jin whispered to which Jimin just smiled and got down from the seat. Jin looked at the girls and smiled seeing them all happy.

"Omg Jin, this is where you stayed. It looks lovely." Sarang said with excitement and was jumping up and down by holding Jin's hands. Jin let the girls to pull her from the seat, and the four of them were standing outside their house.

Jin felt Jia and Sarang intertwining their fingers with her each side. She looked at Jimin who was already walking ahead of them to open the door. After opening it, Jimin turned back and gestured Jin to walk in.

With a confused face, Jin walked inside with the girls on her side. The moment she stepped inside she gasped in shock with all the candle light decorations. She could see colorful helium balloons hanging in the air with some photos. 

She walked closer and looked at the photo only to chuckle with tears. That's when she realized that she was crying softly. The balloons had photos of Jin and Jimin together which they took early years, some balloons had pictures of Jin and Jungkook together and some Jin with the girls. 

In every photos she looked so happy. These were all her memories, and she didn't know how come Jimin had all these photos. She giggled by seeing some crazy poses of the girls and Jungkook. They looked all happy together in a single photo.

Jin felt like it was her family. But she can't deny that. Of course it's her family.

When she felt the girls not touching her hands anymore, she looked aside to see the girls no where near her. Her teary alpaca eyes searched through the living room and Jia and Sarang standing infront of their shared bedroom door holding a sign, 'Come with us.'

Jin bit her lips shyly because she knew what was happening. She took baby steps and stood between the girls only for them to intertwine their fingers with her. The girls opened the bedroom door, and walked inside with Jin, who released a heavy gasp leaving her plump lips.

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