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After the surgery, Jin was being monitored by several doctors and her health was not improving a little bit. She was looking very pale and weak than before. No matter how many IV they changed, her body didn't adapt to it.

Jungkook was staying in the hospital with her, and his heart clenched by how much pain his fiancé was undergoing. He has heard Jin whimpering in pain on her lower abdomen, and how she clutched to his hands by crying and saying it was hurting her. Jungkook could do nothing but be with her and whisper sweet words.

It's been three days after the surgery, and Jungkook waited for Jin to have some rest. The girls were with her today. Though Jin didn't talk much by saying how it was hurting her to speak, she smiled and nodded for every questions she was being asked.

"I p-promise, I am okay. Get some food." Jin tried to whisper to her fiancé to make sure that her family was eating healthily. She didn't want them to starve because of her. Jungkook softly smiled and kissed on her pale lips.

"I will, now you rest." Jungkook said while caressing Jin's hair. And few minutes, Jin was closing her eyes to sleep with the soft hands on her hair.

After making sure that his fiancé was napping, he went down to grab some energy drinks for him because he was thirsty. He knew that their daughters would also be hungry, so he grabbed some sandwiches. After getting a drink from the vending machine, he walked up to the room.

But he soon gasped in shock and the things in his hands fell on to the floor by seeing the scene in front of him. There his daughters were crying by clutching to Jin who was having seizure and her lower part was bleeding by drenching the gown in red color.

"Jinnie~" Jungkook rushed to his fiancé whose body was shaking up and down, and her eyes were rolling back crazily. Sarang and Jia were crying out loud and holding Jin's hands hoping that she would calm down.

"M-Mommy. please. D-Daddy help mommy." Sarang and Jia were blabbering mess and trying to hold Jin in one place. Jungkook's hands were shaking and his body was numb by seeing his fiancé in this situation.

"D-Doctor, someone help us." Jungkook shouted his heart out and he didn't know how long it was for him to witness Jin like this. But thankfully group of nurses rushed inside the room, and helped Jin to transfer to another stretcher.

Jungkook, Sarang and Jia were running behind the stretcher where Jin was carried on. The Jeons family was crying out loud, and holding on to Jin's hands tightly.

"M-Mommy!" Jia shouted when they tried to take her away from Jin. She was tightly holding on to Jin's gown which was full of blood. Sarang and Jungkook were crying by holding Jin's hands.

The nurses found difficult to separate the Jeons family from Jin and took her to the surgery room. Jia, Sarang were hugging their father and crying loudly for their mother.

Jungkook was still shocked from how much Jin was bleeding. The hospital gown almost changed to red color. He knew that something was wrong. The Jeons family were crying outside the operation room, and moved to sit outside on a bench.

The girls were now sleeping on Jungkook's lap after crying for so long. Jimin also joined them, and he was crying in one corner on his husband's shoulders.

Jungkook was carefully caressing their daughters' hair and he was looking soulless. He wasn't sure what was happening to his fiancé. The operation was successful, but why was she bleeding. 

When the surgery room opened, Jungkook immediately stood up forgetting his daughters on his lap. But thankfully the girls also perked up and run with their father who was already rushing to the doctors coming out from the room.

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