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Jungkook was grinning widely while dancing in the dance floor. After the wedding, the food was served and the guests had eaten stomach full . To digest the food, the dance part started in the center of the dining area.

Jin couldn't help but coo by how adorable Jungkook looked while dancing. No, she wasn't the one who was dancing with her boyfriend. Someone special had been Jungkook's dancing partner, and people were really encouraging the dancers.

"Daddy, stop stomping on my foot~" Sarang whispered lowly in hope that her father could hear her. But Jungkook was enjoying his dance with his little angel who was twirling her gown like a princess every time he turned her around.

"You are a born dancer, my Princess." Jungkook complimented Sarang and intertwined the small fingers which were clutching him tightly. Sarang blushed immediately and hugged her father's legs while trying to dance.

Their height difference made everyone to adore the father-daughter combination, since Sarang was only Jungkook's leg's height. But still Jungkook managed to dance with his daughter and suddenly picked her up while circling the dance floor.

The dancing area was filled with music and also with Sarang and Jungkook's laughter while dancing cutely.

Jin on the other side was dancing with Jia who was trying her best to move her short legs. Jin had almost bent in half for the entire time to dance with the little angel. Jia was showing her bunny teeth and smiling by looking at Jin's happy face.

Soon the dancers got tired and sat on their places. Jungkook and Sarang was slightly panting by how much they enjoyed. While Jin and Jia were laughing by looking at other people dancing.

"Don't I deserve a dance from you on my wedding day, my beautiful lady?"

Jin's alpaca eyes widened when she saw the groom standing before her and asking for her permission. Jimin asked cutely by reaching his hands over Jin who was busy in chatting with Jungkook and the girls.

Jungkook, Sarang, and Jia were pushing Jin from the chair to go and dance with her best friend. Taehyung on the other side casually stood behind Jimin and encouraged her to dance with his husband.

Jin bit her lips shyly and took her best friend's hands before running to the dance floor. All the wedding guests moved themselves away and led way to the best friends.

Jimin was showing his famous crescent eye smile and placed his hands over Jin's small waist while moving his body along with the rhythm of the music. Jin on the other hand, happily circled her hands over Jimin's neck and moved her legs and body.

The dance floor was shining like galaxy with the two best friends dancing in their own world. Jimin could see the tears welling in Jin's eyes, but he was fast enough to caress his best friend's cheeks and wiped the precious tears.

"Don't cry, Jinnie~ I will cry too and all the makeup would ruin in a moment." Jimin whispered and placed their foreheads touching each other. Jin giggled through her tears and softly nodded while leaning her head over Jimin's shoulders.

Jimin soothed his hand over Jin's back and the best friend's were hugging each other through out the dance and moving their bodies slowly.

Soon the other guests occupied the dance floor for other song, and the best friends were suddenly got untangled when they felt someone pulling them off. Taehyung swirled his husband to gain his attention, while Jungkook pulled his girlfriend asking for a dance.

Jin was shocked to find Jungkook holding her waist and tightening his hold when she didn't move. Her eyes looked around to spot the girls but soon she relaxed when she saw Sarang and Jia dancing together in a corner.

"It felt like you were never going to dance with me, baby." Jungkook whispered and circled his arms over Jin's waist. His other hand was holding Jin's hand and made her to twist and turn few times before facing each other.

Jin chuckled softly with a head shake but let Jungkook to lead the dance steps.

"I am sorry, Jungkook. I got emotional few minutes ago. But now I am all yours~" Jin bit her lips sexily with her eyes boring right into Jungkook's dark ones.

A smirk played over Jungkook's lips and he cupped Jin's cheeks while caressing the soft skin .He could feel little wetness and pinched Jin's cute nose making his girlfriend to whine. Jin softly leaned her head over Jungkook's shoulders and closed her eyes in peace.

Jin really loved how calm her heart was when she was with Jungkook. She could feel Jungkook's heart beat beating and she could feel it in her too. She felt Jungkook leaning towards her ears when Jungkook blew some air right on her ear. Goosebumps raised in her body by the feeling of hot air blowing at her ears.

But soon her steps halted when she heard Jungkook whispering,

"Move in with me~"

Jin's closed eyes opened widely and she leaned back to see her boyfriend giving her bunny smile. She was sure that she heard it or was it all in her imaginations.


Jungkook halted their dance and he was not bothered by other people dancing around them. Though the music was loud it was gentle at the same time.

"I want you to move in with me. I know that now you are alone in that apartment since Jimin moved in with his husband. Also you are literally sleeping over in our house with me every night.

Why don't we cut the expense of that rent and the travel time. You get tired with the bus traveling too. And I am not just asking you to move in with us just because of that.

Girls and I want you to live with us too. We love having you in our house and honestly everything will remain the same just like before. So what do you say?"

Jin looked at Jungkook's eyes and she could see the sincerity in his words. She bit her lips anxiously and gulped hard by thinking about what her boyfriend had just asked.

"S-Shall we discuss this later at night. I don't want to talk about it right here."

Jungkook sighed heavily with a pout but he nodded eventually. He knew that he can't pressure Jin to move in and live with him. It's a big step in their relationship. But heck, he really wanted to take that step in their relationship. He wanted to take it to the next level.

And he really hoped that Jin too loved the idea of living with the Jeons family.

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