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Some time passes and yet Smile did not return to you, that interdimensional door never once opening. You were restless, shaking gently and unable to stop your legs from jittering.
You had tried to quell the quivering in your soul to no avail, from a bath to a cup of tea, nothing seemed to work and it left you shaking, wandering the room as the dolls behind you looked ahead with concern as to your actions. You were sure they could tell their beloved toymaker was missing and the mere thought sent shockwaves of pain to your heart,like you were feeling the pain for them as well as the sorrow that filled your heart. The heart that Jason carefully moulded, manipulated and darkened in nature.
You sit, feeling almost as lost as the creations that littered the room. The living creations at least. You cover your (E\C) eyes as the tears fall again, feeling like they had never once stopped. Your soul longed to see that two toned hair again,feel the warmth of his old Victorian clothing and hear that sweet soothing voice you had come to know.
It wasn't to be, not at that moment anyway.
To quickly remove your hands from your face,hearing a creaking noise to your right as the door finally opened and Smile made his way into the room. His teeth were contorted into a sickly evil smile, walking up to you with the upmost confidence.
You sigh, those being his only words. You had awaited him for hours and it seemed no different then when he left. The dog tuts and jumps beside you on the couch.
"What is it?"
His smile remained, almost like he could feel your pain as was enjoying it, every single second of it. You turn away from the creature's mad and cold unfeeling eyes, wiping away the last of the tears.
You question him, voice quivering and fear filled.
"What were you doing?"
Smile only chuckles in response, looking over to the door. Your heart became heavy at his actions,wondering who or what lay beyond. It was a question that wouldn't go unanswered for long however.
"I called backup"
The door begins to rattle, handle turning violently and almost coming off its hinges. You swallow your fear, turning to Smile who in turn gestures towards said door that was almost ready to break away from the wall.
"He's waiting"
You stand to your feet, hands shaking like you were in a room filled with ice, your skin also paleing from the sick feeling that knotted in your stomach. You knew of many a monster in this world and had met a few of them but none the less the action of stepping closer to the door had your breath caught in your throat, breathing not coming to you as easily as it once did. You reach out, grabbing the handle as it suddenly stops shaking and opening the door with a creak. Shuffling behind you causes you to turn, seeing nothing but the dog creature exactly where you left him. In the darkness you could make out the faint colour of bright polka dots, stepping backward in fear and falling on the ground. To your surprise two hands grab your shoulders, one pale white hand covered with dried blood and one with bells around the sleeve cuff. Smile laughs heartily at your fear behind you.
"Welcome, friends"

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