A pirate's life

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In a sea of fog as ship is seen being sailed singing is heard a little girl name Elizabeth swan while her best friend just a few years older than her stands by her humming along her name is Amelia .

"Yo go,yo ho, a pirate's life for me .we extort,we pilfer,we filch and sack.drink up..."Elizabeth sings but jumps when some pulls her shoulder makeing her gasps as she and Amelia turn around to see a sailor be behind that it was Mr. Gibbs

"Quite missy cursed pirates sail these waters. You don't want to bring them."Mr Gibbs says to the two young women causing Amelia to glare at him

"Mr Gibbs,that will do."Mr. Norrington says as he and govener swan walk up the stairs to them. Making Mr Gibbs Elizabeth and Amelia turn around to see their father and Mr norrington behind them walking up the steps to where they're at.

"She was singing about pirates."Mr Gibbs says making Amelia glare at him while holding her sister's shoulder"it's bad luck to be singing about pirates with us mired in this unnatural fog. Mark my words."Mr Gibbs explains to Norton and the governor behind him."consider them marked."norrington tells him nodding his head telling Gibbs to be on his way.

"Aye, lieutenant. It's bad luck to have a woman on board even two."Mr Gibbs almost to himself as he passes by making Amelia scoff at that slightly mumbling to held self"just as bad as having an old grump"makeing her sister slightly laugh quietly at her.

"I think it'd be rather exciting to me the pirate."Elizabeth says while her sister just smiles knowing she feels the same. But lieutenant norrington thinks otherwise."think again, Miss swan. Vile and the salute creatures, the lot of them."lieutenant starts off walking up to stand by the two sisters staring out at the see covered in fog as the wind blows. Amelia just glares at him for disrespecting her sister on what she likes just by his opinions on pirates."I intend that any man who sells under a pirate flag or where is a pirate brand guess what he deserves."lieutenant norrington explains more on his point of view of pirates"a short drive in a sudden stop."lieutenant norrington finishes off making Elizabeth confused but Amelia knows what he's talking about her glare intensifies thinking how dare he say that to her younger sister about something that she doesn't need to know yet. Elizabeth looks at her father confused but behind them Mr Gibbs charades what he's talking about basically a pirate being hanged. Making Elizabeth guess before looking back at norrington as her father steps up behind him"lieutenant norrington, I appreciate your fervore, but I'm concerned about the effects this subject will have upon my two daughters"their father explains his worry to lieutenant norrington looking at his daughters but worry before looking back at him for a silent moment."my apologies, Governor swan"lieutenant norrington apologizes before walking away to attend his duties on the ship. Governor swan walks to stand by his two daughters at the front of the ship.

"Actually I find it all fascinating."Elizabeth explains what excitement making her sister smile at her softly but that smile fades soon when her father says"yes. That's what concerns me."Governor swan says looking at Elizabeth while Amelia just rolled her eyes at her dad.

As he walks away from his daughters the two girls go back to looking out at the sea covered in fog but didn't noticing what look like a feminine fan waiting in the waters along the side of the ship. The girls follow it slightly curious to why it is in the water before stopping leaning down looking at it. Before they look to the side and what they saw made them both gas it was a young boy laying against some sort of small raft of wood waiting in the water. Elizabeth turns around first yelling"look! Oh boy! There's a boy in the water!"Elizabeth shouts to the sailors they all rushed this side of the board of the side of the ship she was pointing to. Amelia never takes her eyes off the boy worried that he might drown if he falls off the board. Lieutenant norrington looks to the side that she was pointing to before ordering the sailors around."man overboard!"he explains stepping on the rope to get a better view before stepping down walking or getting sailors left to right."man the ropes, fetch a hook. Haul him aboard."lieutenant norrington orders a couple of men with ropes and a hook to get the young boy. Soon they finally get the boy on the ship over the rails before setting him down gently. They look him over to make sure he's still breathing and he does. But Mr Gibbs notice something wrong further out with wide eyes."Mary, mother of god."Mr Gibbs says with disbelief and Dread in his voice making everyone else look to see what he saw and it wasn't a pretty sight. What appears to be a ship covered in flames burning split right in half with the middle sink into the ocean the breeze all around burning in flames making everybody guess after the destruction of the ship."what happened here?"Governor swan ask in devastation

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