the hunt

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That night while will and Amelia were knocked out cold.the pirates took Elizabeth to there ship to bargain with the captain of the black pearl but she never came back.jack also had a bit of a run in with two pirates who knew before it was known that there really was a curse upon them before he was left alone again in his cell.

Soon morning came the next day as some of the town residence were either mourning for there lost or picking up the wreckage the pirates left behind.first will is shown on the ground still knocked out as chicken walk about until he wakes up with a startle before grimacing as he grabbed the back of his head with pain he looks all around him.before noticeing Amelia passed out on the ground as well.he scrambled up of the ground before rushing over to her.

"Amelia come...wake up."will says as he taps her face gently as she groans slowly starting to wake opening her eyes as she squints from the bright sun"will what happened"she asked as he helps her up off the ground her dress ripped and messed up on some places.

"You don't remember pirates came to port royal almost destroying everything while they took Elizabeth"will sums up on what happened before they were knocked out causing Amelia to snap her head up at him with wide eyes before she looks all around her seeing many homes and business buildings destroyed some have smoke on them from the fire last night.

They both then look to the port of port royal with worried looks for Elizabeth as a ship in the water was seen smoking from all the cannon fire last night while another one looked destroyed while the third one looked untouched.they soon share a look before both of them are running off to the fort of the battlement where her farther and the military men would be.

Soon two soldiers are seen carrying an injured soldier as they run past the governor and Norrington as he was looking over a map layd over a table when will and Amelia run up to them breathing heavily.

"They've taken her. they've taken Elizabeth"will says as Amelia leans against the wall be side her trying to catch your breath.

But Norrington didn't even look up from the map"Mr murtogg, remove this man and please escort Amelia back to her husband" just as murtogg was gonna move will he shoved off."sorry Norrington that won't be possible by husband is dead"she says with hidden anger towards her dead husband the others didn't pick up on it but will did as he looked slightly confused he thought they had a happy marriage before shake his head he'll have to ask her about it later before turning back to the man in front of them.

"We have to hunt them down.we must save her"will says with passion.

"And where do you purpose we start? If you have any any information about my daughter Elizabeth, please share it"the governor of Port Royal Amelia's father says with complete were released in his voice before slightly walking away when will doesn't give him an answer.

"That jack sparrow. He talked about the black pearl."Mr. Murtogg informs bringing wills and Amelia's attention to him."mentioned it is more what he did"he partner inputs from his position.

They then turn back to Norrington coming up with an idea"ask him where it is. He could lead us to it."will explained but ounce again Norrington didn't even look from the map causing Amelia to be annoyed with the man"no. The pirates who invaded this fort left Sparrow locked in his cell ergo they are not his allies."both will and Amelia look aggravated with Norrington before he actually takes his eyes off the map but turns towards Governor swan"we will establish their most likely course."

But that wasn't good enough as will stabs the hatchet he was holding deep into the map"that's not good enough!"he exclaimed with anger why couldn't they see it was important to come up with idea no since Elizabeth was an extreme danger.but Norrington just looked at the hatchet before pulling it out "mr turner you are not a military are not a sailor and Ms Amelia is just a woman who should stay at home"causeing Amelia to glare at him for that comment"your a blacksmith" as he walks more towards will grabbing him harshly by the arm as he pulls him away from the table"and this is not the moment for rash actions. Do not make the mistake of thinking you are the only man who cares for Elizabeth."Norrington whispered to him before will and Amelia leave the battle fort when they couldn't get it through to them before they share a look knowing who to go to.

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