Final fight part 2

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commodore noriggton and his man were shown waiting in the boats before he squints his eyes seeing something in the distance as a boat rowed out from behind a large rock as regitti and pintle were shown dressed in women's clothing as they were the distraction.

Back at the main ship Barbosas man were shown quietly and soundlessly climb up the ankle ropes in there undead forms do to the moon light shining on them.

Amelia and Elizabeth had made a rope out of sheets as they quietly climbed out the window and on to a boat with as governor swan was talking to them through the door not knowing his daughters were escaping.

"Alright I'll row you to the black pearl so you can get some help while I go help jack and will"Amelia whispered as Elizabeth nods her heads as they row away from the ship.

Governor swan continues to talk to his daughters thinking they are still in the room as Barbara's men slowly look up on the ship as they quietly climb onto the ship as they take men out quietly here and there

"Elizabeth? Amelia are you both listening?"governor swan asked as he walks into the room only to see that his daughters are gone.

"Lieutenant"a sailor asked as he pointed out as they turn to see to women in a boat as giggling can be heard before suddenly the big one start choking the others showing them to be man but skeleton man as the big one shoots of the lieutenants head making them turn seeing more of them charging at them before an all out Battle begans govern swan happens to here as he looks out the door in shock as his men were fighting against the undead before quietly hides closing the door as a man was being stabbed repeatedly.

Amelia was shown rowing towards the hidden cave after dropping Elizabeth off at the black pearl to get help from Jack's crew she was then shown grunting as she pulls the boat to a stop quietly as she climbs over some rocks slightly looking over them seeing jack and Barbosa fought as will fights in his own battle.

Amelia pulls out her swords as she sees Barbosa pinning jack before she runs out slashing his arm before spinning as she kicks him in the chest making the man stumble back.

"Well hello love"jack says surprised she was here before she can say anything the two were in a battle with Barbosa as they fight swinging swords around the cave.

"I got this go help will!"jack says before they slipt up as jack and Barbosa run off as Amelia runs up to a pirate about to Stab will from behind as she stabs them first digging the sword through the chest as will whirls around in shock before smiling in relief that his honorary sister was here.

"I don't this so"she growls before throwing them into the water with a splash as she battled another pirate side by side with will as she punched one hard in the face making his head spin with a crack as they stopped there head with a growl as they charge at her but she was very skilled as she fights the man off as she fights with skills before back cartwheeling as she knocks there head back before landing on her feet as she cross stabs him on the chest before kicking them off as they slam into a pile of treasure before another one charges at her as she and will continue the fight the enemy same with jack and Barbosa.

Back on the ship men were being killed left and right as regitti and pintle soon join before a sailor uses his last bit of strength pulling a rope as he sounds the bell making commoder and his man hurry back to the ship to help governor swan hides with fear as one of the undead walks past the door before slowly turning around looking straight at him before multiple hands shoot threw as one grabs his wig as he fights for it before breaking the hand thinking it was over before the hand comes alive trying to scratch his face as he quickly shoved it in a drawer closing it as he prays for this to be over as the desk rattles.

Jack and Barbosa continue there battle on a mound of treasure as jack falls catching him self as he continues to fight before being punched in the face by Barbosa knocking him to the ground.

"You can't beat me jack"Barbosa says dropping his sword before jack takes the chance to stab him only for Barbosa to sigh before yanking the sword out and stabbing jack instead who chokes as he backs up into the light showing him as one of the undead shocking Barbosa.

Jack looks over him self "that's interesting"he says as Amelia stabs one pirate as she kicks them off her sword as she twirls it before looking in shock at jacks appearance she wasn't the only one as will looks on in shock as well.

Jack then flips the gold coin he stole through his fingers before smiling at Barbosa "sorry couldn't resist mate"he says making Barbosa growls as they were thrown into another sword battle as they Perri and swing there swords with skills around the piles of gold and treasure as clangs and clashes of swords can be heard all over.

"These guys just won't quit!"Amelia yells as the pirate she just stabbed charges at her as they fight off there opponents before will dodges a stab as the bomb pirate stabs one of his own as they scream in agony as he swings widely until Amelia kicks them from behind making them fall into a pile of limbs as the fight continues as they were chased to a different part of the cave as they were thrown into another sword fight.

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