The black pearl

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It was night in port royal fog slowly forming around everywhere.there was no sound in sight Amelia can be seen looking out into the night sky with a sad look in her eyes. before looking at the new bruises on her arms from her lovely husband before looking back out getting a very bad feeling that something is coming before heading back inside.

At the prisoner sails a group of pirates can be seen waving around a pice of bone. as they whistle for the dog that holds the keys to come the cell next to them jack Sparrow can be seen leaning against the wall with his hat tilted over his eyes"you keep doing that forever.the dog is never going to move"causes the others to look at him as he just stays there not doing anything.

"Oh, excuse us"one of them says which causes jack to turn his head slightly to them almost lazy like."if we haven't resigned ourself to the gallows just yet."the same person says ounce again before his group go back to what they're doing.while jack just smirks slightly showing a glimpse of his teeth before turning his head back forward ounce more.

Elizabeth is in her bed reading a book as her maid heats of the bed for her."there you go was a difficult day for you and your sister I'm sure."she says as she puts the warmer underneath the blanket causing Elizabeth to look up from her thoughts."I suspected commodore norrington would propose.i must admit,I wasn't prepared for it"Elizabeth tells her made before she fiddles with the medallion on her neck as the made fixes her blanket some.

"I meant your sister being threatened by that pirate.must have been terrifying"causing Elizabeth to break from her thoughts ounce more she was worried about her sister she knows that she hideing something from them."oh, yes it was terrifying."she sets her book down as the maid finished tucking in her blanket."but that commodore proposed.fancy that now, that's a smart match,miss if it's not too bold to say."the maid tells Elizabeth who looks in thought as she thinks a close up is shown on her."it is a smart match he's a fine man he's what any woman should dream of marrying"she agreed before breaking out of her thoughts ounce more as she picks her books back up.

The maid is seen at the side of her bed fixing to pick of the tray on her nightstand "well that will turner.hes a fine man,too"the maid says which causes Elizabeth to look her "that is to bold"she addresses her maid before looking back at her book"well begging your pardon,miss it was not my place."the maid apologized before picking the tray up making her way out of the room.

The flame on her burning bedside candle can be seen flickering.which cause her to look at it as it shut goes out making everything dark around her before she looks forward.

At the black smith shop will is seen working on a sword.creaking and wind howling can be heard as he pauses his he looks to the side before he seen open a side window looking out side looking left to right seeing nothing before going back in side.

On top off the battlement fort norrington and governor swan are talking before cannons can be heard firing before a full on battle is formed.

Amelia races back out to her balcony seen the ship that is firing at them. causing her to gasp in shock remember that exact ship from along time ago. before glareing knowing she needs to save as many as people as she can.she races back in just as a big bang is heard of there front gate being shattered.she finds her maid along with the others "please come with me its itt safe here anymore"she begs of them before they all follow her .she led them to a secret passage that she only knows before she grabs a sword "alright now listen to me as soon as you get to the end of this run as fast as you can to the fort do you understand "she tells them urgently causing all them nod before they enter the hidden passage.just as she closed the door pirates break into her home stealing and murdering anyone in sight.

After some time they make it out to the end of the tunnel before Amelia opens the door gun fire and cannon gun fire is they run to the fort Amelia fights against pirates that come there way.she makes her way into the village when she comes up to a body that is her house and.she just stared with any emotions what love and everything they had died along time ago."AMELIA" she hears her sisters voice causing her head to snap up just in time to see her little sister being dragged away by two filthy pirates causing her blood to boil.

Amelia goes to rush forward but a pirate gets in her way.they soon engage into a battle of blades.she blocks the swing above her head and punches the pirate square in the gut which makes him back peddle.ameila does not stop she swings her sword down hard piercing his shoulder forcing him back before yanking the sward out glaring."your gonna wish you never came to this port you bastard"she growls before ripping off some of her dress to fight better before they clash blades again causing Sparks to form.

While they were fighting will had seen Elizabeth being dragged off as well but was knocked out.back at the cells jack was trying the same trick on the dog but was found by two of he ex mate crew members finding out that the curse was real.

Back to Amelia her and her opponent were still fighting. before they were blasted away from each other by a bomb.she slams in to the ground coming to a rolling stop eyes haven't watching them get away just as she passes out.

Ameila: Love For Freedom Book 1Where stories live. Discover now