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!themes in this chapter will be mentions of attempted suicide and self harm!

Liv's POV (I won't always label liv's pov but just so you don't get confused as Leah's was the end of last chapter)

I woke up and stretched feeling nothing to the side of me, I patted my hands on both sides of the bed next to me and still nobody was there.

I decided to call her name to see if she's in the room at all and I get no reply.

I eventually open my eyes and the room is empty, her curtains are closed so the room is pitch black.

I get out of bed and the daylight hits me as soon as I open the door.

It seems to be early hours of the morning and I'm never up this early but then I hear the kettle boiling so I make my way down the stairs.

Leah is sat at the kitchen table with her phone next to her and her head was in her hands. Her whole body looked exhausted.

She must've heard my footsteps and looked up, that was when I saw her blotchy face. I quickly walked over to her and pulled her into my arms, neither of us said a word. Her head was resting on my stomach and I was stroking her hair with my hand.

She suddenly pulled aways from me and wiped her face. Her expression was different now she looked almost annoyed, I was going to say something until she looked up at me and glared.

I was taken back at how horrible her body language was, this wasn't the Leah that helped me last night.

"Uh I'm traveling back today so I think you should head home" She says and stands up from her chair.

I don't even get chance to say a word until she's leading me upstairs to get my phone and keys.

We walk back downstairs in silence.

"Leah just give me a second." She nods and I walk into the kitchen.

I grab the notepad that I noticed on the side and wrote a note to Amanda.

I left early this morning but I just wanted to say thank you for everyone As you were all so welcoming, you have a lovely home and such a lovely family and thank you for including me last night.

-Olivia x

I rip it from the pad and stick it on the fridge with a magnet.

I walk back through the hallway and see Leah standing their impatiently. Once she sees me she unlocks the front door and I walk out, I go to say goodbye but the door is slammed in my face.

I was annoyed at the fact she was angry at me for no reason. From memories of last night I don't remember doing anything wrong. I shake my head and walk to my car.

Once I arrive home my phone goes off. I'm hoping it's a text from Leah and it is, just not what I expected.

It was my tickets to the England match at Stoke. She didn't even have the decency to apologise for her behaviour.

I just like the message. If she is going to be like this I'm not wasting my time.

The text bubbles appear for a while but then just disappeared.

I walk back up to my bedroom and see Luce In my bed. She's awake and scrolling through her phone but looks up at me when she hears the door.

"O im sorry I didn't help you ye-" I cut her off.

"It's fine your only 16 don't worry about it" she nods at starts to get out of my bed, she hugs me before leaving the room.

As soon as the door closes tears start to fall, everything is just piling up at once and I have no one to go to, I don't want to bother
Eb, she does have a life that doesn't just revolve around me and this is how it's always been.

I've never wanted to disrupt someone life with my problems, I think that's when I went down the root of harming myself.

I don't like to talk about it only my parents know as they were the ones who signed me into a mental hospital, it got really bad. My parents found me on my bed with my wrists just bleeding out, my eye lids were low and I had no awareness of anyone around me. I was numb and for once in my life I felt free and happy.

I didn't have the pain of everyday life, I couldn't feel a thing and that's all I had ever wanted.

But I had this moment almost like an out of body experience where I saw everything I would be leaving behind and that hurt more than the pain i went through everyday.

I couldn't let myself leave everyone I love behind so I fought as hard as I could at the hospital to keep myself alive and I didn't throw a fit when my parents mentioned the mental hospital I knew I needed help and I was ready to get it.

And that's what happened, I wasn't healed as I don't think you will ever fully heal but I was feeling a lot better with myself.

I still have my dark days but the good days outweigh them.

With all my crying I fell asleep amidst it all and woke up well Into the afternoon.

I didn't feel like facing my family today so I stayed in my room watching movies on my laptop, I couldn't of thought of a better way to spend my day.

Maybe with Leah but she doesn't seem to be my biggest fan at the moment.

Authors note:
First day back today and didn't go too bad!! I have at least one my friends in each of my classes but I actually enjoyed it. Chapter 7!! I hope you enjoy. Leah's pov next chapter cannot wait!!!

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