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although Leah's phone was right beside her she didn't seem to notice the ringing of her phone multiple times.

once everyone had realised there was no way Leah would be answering her phone Amanda walked as quick as she could into the girls changing rooms.

"mum?" leah asked confused once she noticed the distressed women at the door.

the girls had now turned the music down and looked at Leah's mother in concern.

"it's not good lee, her brothers been found dead, she isn't responsive to anyone." Leah's face drained of all colour. she didn't care that all the rest of her things were left into the changing room she was sure one of the other girls would pick it up. all that was on her mind was getting to her girlfriend.

she didn't have any time to even ask her mother anymore questions as she running back onto the field and through the gates to get to liv.

when leah saw her tightly in the corner and her whole body shaking she immediately picked up the younger girl and cradled her.

the blonde whispered reassuring words into the brunettes ear whilst liv was clutching leah's shirt in her hands.

"he's gone leah" it was almost as if liv had lost her voice she spoke so delicately almost is everything around her was going to come crashing down but it already had.

leah was aware of people videoing the interaction so was quick to get everyone away from prying eyes. Amanda was comforting the rest of the family and slowly walking with them.

liv wouldn't calm down, tears wouldn't stop falling and she couldn't seem to catch her breath. Leah was trying to tell her to breathe but it wasn't working she wasn't able to get any air into her lungs and ended up passing out.

although this scared Leah almost to death she knew this would probably be best. Amanda had offered to take the dormer family back to Milton Keynes, Leah's dad was going to drive the family car back as well.

leah had already decided liv was coming back with her no questions asked, she was just lucky that she decided to drive to the stadium today because she didn't want to be on the bus.

when Leah went back to get her things all the girls were still sitting there seemingly waiting for her to come back.

when they all saw how drained Leah looked they knew it must've been hard. Leah didn't tell the girls everything just the important bits.

all the girls gave their apologies and whenever liv was ready they said they would all come down and stay with her for a little, this warmed Leah's heart after not knowing her girlfriend for very long her teammates had included liv into their family.

each girl gave Leah a hug just before she went back to her girlfriend.

"i really hope she's okay leah, you be there for her but don't let her emotions drag you down." jordan whispered into the blondes ear.

it wasn't a malicious statement, she was only looking out for her ex girlfriend. Leah was always known for leaving her private life off the pitch and always having her game face on. that shouldn't change, Jordan didn't want Leah losing herself trying to save someone else.

leah walked towards her family and liv was just starting to come around, she still wasn't aware enough to walk so leah picked her up and cradled her into her arms. incoherent words were coming out of livs mouth so the blonde shushed her quietly and kissed her forehead.

leah carefully put liv in her car and closed the door. she turned to her mother and gave her a hug before doing the same with her dad and brother.

"take care of her lee." jacob whispered into his sisters ear.

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