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it was like on repeat.

again liv was getting ready for the match but this time against italy.

this time she wasn't as excited, she was actually dreading showing up. which was strange for liv.

she slipped on the England jersey with 'Williamson' on the back.

due to the afternoon kick off liv had to leave the house quite early in order to get there in time.

so at 12pm liv was out the door and making the drive to coventry.

liv had replied to all the girls in the afternoon at her family home. she couldn't stop smiling from all the love she had received from the lionesses.

to know that they don't just think of her as Leah's girlfriend meant the world to her.

although liv had thought of any excuse not to attend this match, she knew it's a silly reason to not even show her support for all the girls.

leah had already been told there was a slim chance that she would be playing today, that didn't mean that liv wouldn't of gone all because her girlfriend wasn't playing.

although this did mean leah's family wasn't at this match, so if ebony was there once again it would definitely be more draining.

as liv pulled up to the stadium she took a deep breathe before getting out of her car and getting taken to the family area.

to her surprise no ebony was sat waiting for her, olivia prayed that she wouldn't end up showing.

unfortunately the contact between liv and Leah had been minimal. olivia didn't know why but it seemed as though leah was pulling away from her.

yet another reason liv was rethinking being at this match.

the couple had been through hell and back, Olivia without Leah seems foreign and vice versa.

she could only hope after the match the two can sort it all out, maybe leah can even spend a little time with her after the match due to the earlier kick off.

or maybe that was just wishful thinking...

the girls walked out with Alex greenwood leading, she was one of the girl liv had gotten super close too.

they just got along so well, honestly Leah was surprised about the blooming friendship but definitely didn't let her girlfriend shy away from getting herself some new friends.

due to liv's status now due to her girlfriend. she had been invited to a bunch of events, some she knew Leah wouldn't be interested in, because as soon as the blonde was asked the immediate 'no' was quite telling, so Olivia invited Alex instead and the two had the best time.

liv could see leah sat down and ultimately decided to avoid eye contact as much as possible.

it was incredibly odd, for the two to not be speaking. after such a heartfelt moment before the two parted once more for them to only sending the odd message.

Olivia was adamant that after this match all this silly drama would be squashed and forgotten.

she was sick of being 22 and still doing this silly back and fourth.

as expected England came out on top with a 2-1.

leah had noticed her girlfriend throughout the match, smiling whenever she cheered for the England goals.

Leah knew she was pulling away. If leah hadn't of asked liv to come to the match she wouldn't of had to see ebony.

or leah could've figured out who it was and prepared liv.

it was all her fault.

which is why leah thought it would be best to distance herself from the person she loved most.

stupid, stupid, stupid Leah...

authors note:
another short one :( butt... i am so obsessed with Jen and amber like omg they're made for each other!!!!! so i'm going to do a cute bonus chapter at the conti cup final where liv and amber are literally best friends instead of ebony's toxic self.

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