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Leah's pov

After getting food with the girls I went back to my room and passed out.

Through dinner they were all acting weird and giving me side glances.

They had either done something that would piss me off or I've done something to piss them off.

I brushed it off though I was stressed enough that I was going to have to talk with Jordan.

When I woke up the morning it was 10am
So I had more than enough time until I had to meet jords.

I got into the shower and spent half an hour in there, I picked out my outfit which was a a white jumper, I added a thick beige flannel over the top and paired it with some baggy black jeans.

By the time I was ready it was 11:45 and I was driving to the woods where we used to walk blu.

Jordan was sat on a bench with blu on her knee when I arrived.

She smiled at me as I got out of my car and blu jumped off her lap and ran too me.

I bent down to pick him up and he started to kiss all over my face, I was so occupied with blu that I didn't realise Jordan had been making her way over to me. That was until I felt her arm squeeze around my waist, I jumped a little bit realising she was that close to me and stepped to the side.

She gave me a confused look but I didn't pay any mind.

"Hey, how have you been." She asks as we start to walk into the woods.

"I've been good yeah, how have you too been." She goes on to say about what they've done for the past week.

"Im excited to be on the England team but I'm gonna miss blu." She pouts and I just laugh at her.

"I completely forgot I was supposed to text you, but congrats on the call up." I smile at her.

We have been walking for quite a while now and we've stopped so blu can get some water, Jordan always brings a little bowl and a water bottle ever since she got blu.

"Okay leah, we know why we are here." I was dreading this part.

"Look Jordan-" I was about to tell her but then she cut me off.

"No just let me say this, Leah I miss you. The house feels empty without you in it, blu misses you too. I haven't been able to stop thinking about you. I've tried trust me I have but you've left your imprint on me Lee." She smiles at me, if only she knew what I was going to say.

I think she figured it out when I wasn't smiling back.

"Jordan, look I don't know how to say this."

"But there's another girl." She finishes for me, she slightly nods to herself and looks back at me.

"It was my intent to hurt you jords, I never want to do that but she's just so different," I smile.

"I'm sorry I shouldn't be talking about this with you" she immediately starts to shake her head.

"No I want to hear all about her." So I start to tell Jordan everything. This is what I miss, when me and Jordan were friends and talked about everything I feel like I've got my best friends back there is no awkwardness or silences.

"I feel like I know her already but show me a picture." I nod and pull out my phone from my pocket,

I scroll through her Instagram until I find my favourite photo of her


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o1ivia.d: festivals are where I'm supposed to be✨☁️

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"I hate to say it but she is definitely your type."

"Really? She's like the opposite of everyone I've ever dated."

"Exactly you need a change and I can't wait to meet her leah, she seems so lovely." I nod but don't look back at her.

"Oh what did you do?" She knows me too well.

So on the way back to the cars I tell Jordan what happened and she slaps my arm.

"Leah stop doing this, your hurting yourself and her."

"I know I just haven't been in this situation in so long I feel like I've forgotten what to do."

"Look I know you, you will always do what's right." I smile at her and lean in for hug as we've arrived back to where we parked.

"Thank you jords, see you at camp in a few days?" She nods and I then bend down to blu to say goodbye and we go out separate ways.

After talking with Jordan I know I need to call Olivia.

I just hope she answers.

Authors note:
I love Jordan!!! also that interview beth did taking about her sexuality and viv was the sweetest thing ever. I dont know about all of you but meadema are my favs. They just look so well together and compliment eachother!!! I'm sorry this chapter took two days I've been really tired from school but next chapter will be the phone call and back in livs pov. Enjoy

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