•bonus chapter•

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the final of the continental cup. god the atmosphere was incredible.

liv was sat up in the stands, sporting her famous Williamson jersey although you couldn't really see it due to the cold weather so she was wrapped up as much as possible.

it had been a few week since the lionesses winning the arnold clark cup and they had been amazing.

almost perfect.

don't want to jinx it

olivia been introduced to jen's girlfriend, Amber, and they had really clicked.

leah playfully joked that she was getting replaced as in the brunettes spare time she was either face timing amber to show her the new the items she'd been gifted from different companies, or voice messaging her about what had gone wrong in her day.

liv thought of her as one of her best friends, and would forever be thankful for jen introducing the two.

so they arrived to the game together ready to cheer on their girls.

"god is it bad that i'm absolutely shitting this match?" amber asked.

in all honesty liv had been too, it was no secret arsenal seemed to be in a little bit of a rut at the moment, Leah had expressed her concerns to her girlfriend. Jen more than likely doing the same.

"no, you get used to it over time. you learn what to do and say with matches like these" liv said. "just never tell them your nervous, because it gives them more things to stress about."

Olivia had learnt that the hard way.

this match could go either way, but liv had a good feeling.

the day had started good.

waking up beside your significant other is always an amazing way to start your morning.

but being woken up by kisses being softly placed all over your face seemed to brighten up the day.

leah had to be up early in order to travel with the team to the stadium, seeming as Liv was coming to the game leah though it would be easier to just wake her up at the same time.

the couple sat in the kitchen whilst eating some of the overnight oats liv had been making recently.

leah would never admit it due to the many childish arguments the meal has caused (because of it taking up precious space in the fridge) between the two, but she had even started to rave about them to her teammates.

leah soon left for training leaving her girlfriend with an empty house making it stress free to get ready.

both girlfriends into their fashion was a nightmare.

liv had picked up amber on the way and the two talked the whole journey.

leaving them to now, watching the two teams walk out.

Liv was always nervous before a match. wether the odds were in their favour, it didn't matter.

so for her hands to be shaking and her leg bouncing up and down wasn't a surprise for her.

amber placed her arm around her friend's shoulders to slightly comfort her as the two teams lined up.

leah caught sight of her girlfriend and gave her a small nod.

as if Olivia was the one that needed reassurance in that moment.

liv laughed at herself but gave her girlfriend a wide smile in response.

the match was tough, chelsea definitely wasn't playing their best. that much was clear. honestly neither were arsenal.

the match started with an early goal from sam kerr.

which may have dimmed the reds confidence slightly but they answered back in the 16th minutes with a goal from stina.

both amber and liv were out of their seats cheering and holding one another close.

the arsenal weren't done yet.

before half time the gunners were up 3-1. chelsea seemed to of lost their spark which arsenal definitely took advantage of.

the end of the game, no more goals scored which only meant one thing.

arsenal we're the champions of the continental cup.

As chelsea were doing their round you could see the disappointment on their faces, which is never nice to see. But leah's face was gleaming and that's all that mattered to liv.

Beth and viv walked onto the pitch which made Olivia beam.

she couldn't wait to see them.

the girls collected their medals and kim grabbed the trophy.

it looked as though she demanded leah to lift it with her and as they did katie sprayed them with the champagne.

first trophy of the season, it was incredible.

it could only go up from here.

after the trophy lifting and katie being an absolute menace with that champagne, including getting leah to chug it out of the trophy, liv was escorted onto the pitch.

she pulled amber to come with but the older girl shook her head and gestured to jen making her way over.

liv left with a nod laughing as she eyed the couple.

leah took notice of her girlfriend finally on the pitch and quickly walked over to her.

"well done you absolute super star. i am so proud of you." liv said as she brought the blonde into her arms.

"thank you, you watching me always makes me play better. always want to impress you." leah spoke with a wide smile. most likely due to the intake of the champagne.

"you always impress me, i think we're past that stage lee. i've seen you in the mornings." liv joked and watched as leah pulled an offended face and went to walk away.

liv only pulled her back and kissed her lightly.

"your my leah in the morning, fresh faced with an old football jersey on. nothing else i'd want to wake up too."

"good. because your going to be waking up to that for the rest of your life."

"is that a promise?" liv giggled.

"of course." leah said as she thought back to the ring hidden in her top draw.

"soon ollie, soon" leah said quietly with a gleaming grin as she watched her girlfriend walk towards her teammates with open arms.

authors note:
and it's finished. i am so sad omg!!! i've kind of left it on a cliff hanger? but these two have an amazing wedding and have dog children until they grow old and grey. just a quick one, people editing leah's injury are really getting on my last nerve!!! if it's bringing me to tears god knows how leah must feel. please stop, it's not something that should be romanticised (if that's the right word??) it's serious and something that's going to impact leah for a very long time. it's not an injury she can just bounce back from it's almost a year of physical and mental recovery. but on a more positive note, that match today was amazing. may have stopped watching for a little after those first two goals but i got myself together and watched it and i'm so glad i did, that come back was amazing and just showcased what a resilient team the arsenal are. Haven't seen katie get into a clash like that in a bit, but it did make me giggle. watching her with lena 'making up' was so funny to me. love them both omg!!! but yes the story has come to a close, i've loved writing this more than anything and can't wait to get started on my claudia pina fic. i hope you've enjoyed this one as much as me.

thank you from the bottom of my heart.

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