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Leah was sat in the changing rooms with the Arsenal girls getting ready for their first match of the wsl.

All the Arsenal girls know about Olivia coming to the game and are all really excited to meet her, Leah has gotten teased non stop.

"So what's she she like?" Rafaelle asks no one in particular.

"She's so lovely, like one of the nicest people ever. None of us thought she would be as nice as Leah said but she really was. She's really pretty as well the exact person you could see Leah with. She's really bubbly and got along with us really well." Beth answers all the girls turning to her and laughing.

"Be careful viv, seems like Beth has a crush" Jordan calls out making the other girls laugh and Beth to throw her slider at the midfielder.

"Can we not bombard her please, she's excited to meet you all but I don't think she knows exactly what she's getting herself into." Leah tried to word it so it doesn't seem like she's embarrassed of the girls because she isn't, she just wants this to go smoothly and to be an amazing memory to look back on.

"We will tone it down a bit don't worry, we just like to tease you know this, remember when you and Jordan were together it was a lot worse." Kim said but the room went quiet.

Jordan and Leah avoided each others gazes and lia let out an awkward cough.

Thankfully one of the girls put on some music and Leah slipped away from the changing room.

It was 30minutes till kick off and Leah knew that Olivia would be here by now so she decided to call her.

Liv was with her dad and they were in the line for a hot drink when she felt her phone buzzing.

She took it out of her pocket and her dad leaned over to see who it was.

"Answer her I will get this." Livs dad said.

"Okay I will be as quick as I can." Liv walked over to a quiet corner and answered her phone.

"Hi Lee what's up?" Liv heard Leah take a deep breath

"It just got a bit awkward in the changing room so I had to step out." Liv wanted to know what happened but she knew Leah would tell her when she wants too.

"Do you want me to come and find you?"

"No it's not long till kick off now, I just wanted to hear your voice that's all." Olivia smiles whilst a small blush arises on her cheeks, the girl is just glad this is a conversation over the phone.

"Well I will wait for you after the match is finished and I've got off work for the next 3 days so maybe I can stay with you for a little ." Leah immediately agrees excited to spend the next few days with the girl.

"That's completely fine, how's your dad getting back?"

"We drove down in his car and then he will come and get me on the Wednesday."

"Okay, liv I've got to go I will see you soon."
The brunette said goodbye and put her phone back in her pocket, her dad was standing to the side with the drinks in his hand.

"Thank you dad."

"No worries, kick off is soon come on." Her dad said leading them to the seats.

They both sat and talked for a little, liv's dad saying how much he likes leah. Lee had told him that he's more than welcome to come over to williamson household on derby days or join the family to the games.

This warmed Olivia's heart and just made her more excited for the two families to meet.

Each team walked onto the pitch, Olivia was definitely one of the loudest amongst the supporters.

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