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Liv's pov

leah had officially left for camp, it was an emotional goodbye. although i had lived my life without her before now she's in it i hate going days without her.

i had driven her to camp, amanda had come with us to say goodbye to her daughter and make sure i'm okay when we leave her.

when we arrived there were a few of the girls outside and came to greet me with hugs which really eased my stress. the welcomes of the girls cheered me up a lot and we ended up chatting for another few minute before they had to go.

"i love you and it won't be long until i'm back with you." leah whispered as she brought me into a hug.

"i love you more, i'm going to be there watching you." she nods with a smile on my face and kisses me gently which earn a few cheers from the girls, leah flips them off before turning back to me.

"don't cry, i'm going to face time you every chance i can." it was my turn to nod and i brought her in for another hug before letting leah say goodbye to her mum.

amanda offered to drive back home which i accepted and handed her my car keys.

"it's always hard to leave her but you get used to it, she will be home before you know it." amanda says as pats my thigh with a reassuring smile on her face.

"i feel so silly, it's just that even though we don't live together i know that if i need her i can drive into london and stay with her for the night but now i can't do that it's just hard for me to wrap my head around." i said whilst messing with my hands. me and amanda talked the rest of the way home about leah and how she copes with her daughter being away for so long.

"you know your always welcome round ours liv, with or without leah." amanda spoke as she pulls me in for a hug.

"thank you, for everything really you guys are my home away from home and i don't know how to show you how much i appreciate you all and i know my family does too. i never got to thank you for driving them all back and staying with them." i spoke as we both pulled back but she pulled me in again after i finished talking.

"no need to thank us, we just did what we needed to do." after bidding her goodbye i got back into my car and headed home.

i realised how little time i had been spending with my family, Lucy especially we are normally together all the time but we have just seemed to of drifted.

"hey luce."

"hey liv." she speaks not even looking up at me.

"how about we go shopping today, it's a bit of a crappy day and i need a bit of cheering up." this gets her attention and she gets out of bed to get ready and i do the same.

although it was getting colder i decided that we would be inside majority of the time so i got out a white cropped top with green accents on and some khaki green parachute pants which i paired with my panda dunks and a green shoulder bag.

although it was getting colder i decided that we would be inside majority of the time so i got out a white cropped top with green accents on and some khaki green parachute pants which i paired with my panda dunks and a green shoulder bag

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once i was happy with my appearance i walked into Lucy's room to see her ready so we said goodbye to our parents and walked out of the house.

"so how come you've had a crappy day?" she asked once we were in the warmth of my car.

"leah's gone to camp today just wasn't what i wanted to do today." she nodded at me with a sympathetic smile one her face before changing the subject to shopping and the things she wanted to buy.

we had been shopping for a good few hours and it was dark outside we were both walking back to my car when i felt my phone ringing in my pocket, with my hands filled with bags i couldn't answer so i just left it and it eventually stopped ringing.

a few text messages came through but i was about to start my car and was sure they could wait until i got home.

"i've missed this." lucy says to which i turn to look at her with a smile.

"me too luce, i'm sorry i haven't been around much."

"no i get why you weren't, i'm glad you've got leah there for you." i was relieved that she didn't think i was ditching her, i just didn't want her too see me in the state i was in and i'm sure i scared her after the arsenal game when we found out the news.

the rest of the car ride was full of us singing to the song on the radio and just talking about what's been happening with eachother.

we got back home and we brought our bags to our rooms before going back downstairs and eating dinner with mum and dad.

the energy in the house was light hearted and dinner was full of laughter.

my day started rubbish but i think it's ended on a pretty good note.

authors note:
double update!!

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