Nightmares and the Past

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{ So me and my partner have a head cannon that Shiver is actually a hybrid the octariens created between an octoling and a shark, they created this hybrid to be better, faster and stronger in battle. So this chapter has implements of that}

Shiver awoke in a cold sweat, they gasped for air quickly realising they slept in their binder. Violent flashes of their past as an octarien soldier flashed through their mind. Shiver got their breathing under control and looked to their side, Frye was looking at them with a worried expression "Are you okay?" Frye asked groggily as she had just woken up.

Shiver just nodded afraid that if they spoke they would break down. They grasped their chest theming to losses their binder "Too tight.." They mumbled.

Frye sighed "You need to stop sleeping in your binder." She said sitting up right "Can you take it off or do you need help?"

"Help..." Shiver whispered.

Frye nodded " Is it okay if I take off your shirt?"

"Yeah." The octoling said meekly.

Frye gently grabbed the hem of Shivers loose shirt and carefully pulled it over their head. Frye put it down on the covers "Is it okay if I take off your binder?"

Shiver nodded again. Frye carefully and gently took Shiver's binder off. They breathed a sigh of relief as the tightness on their chest was gone. Frye put Shiver's shirt back on "Did you have a nightmare?" She asked.

"Yeah. It was about the lab this time." Shiver responded taking a sip from the water bottle on their bedside table.

"Do you want to talk about it?" Frye had heard about bits and peices of her partners past, Frye knew Shiver was a hybrid.

Shiver shook their head. Frye kissed their cheek "Well I'm gonna grab some snacks and we can watch some movies or something, is that okay?"

Shiver smiled widely "Definitely."

Frye retuned the smile and got out of bed to go to the kitchen. When she returned Shiver had already aranged the pillows and blankets and was now scrolling through channels. Frye plopped herself next to Shiver and snuggled up to them. The rest of their night was spent watching crappy TV and eating junk food.

That is the end of this chapter, I hope you enjoyed. Any feed back is much appreciated.

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