Escaping and Finding (Part 2)

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Subject #83104105118101114 awoke with a groan, they were in new clothes, a loose t-shirt and sweat pants, their wounds had been bandaged. "Hey, are you okay? Big Man and Frye said they found you passed out." An octoling with teal and black ink asked.

"I don't know.." #83104105118101114 replied "THEY CUT OFF MY FIN #077097114110097, THEY INJECTED ME WITH TAR TAR, THEY TOOK EVERYTHING FROM ME AND ABANDONED ME!!!"

Marina sighed "It's Marina now and I can see that, we are trying to get the tar tar flushed out of your system." She responded gesturing to the same inkling as before, Frye her name was, the Manta Ray called Big Man and a new inkling with white and pink ink.

"You were most likely broken from the mind control by the song playing when Agent 8, or as you know them #10008, defeated Commander Tartar." Marina spoke.

#83104105118101114 nodded "Whos the other inkling? The one with the pink ink?" They asked.

"That's Pearl, she's my girlfriend." Marina said smiling.

#83104105118101114 smiled "I'm happy for you."

"Kind of off topic but #83104195118191114 is a pretty long name, in computer code it actually means Shiver, that's how I got my name, you don't have to use it but it would be something to shorten it down."

#83104105118101114, or Shiver now, smiled widely "I like that, Shiver, it's nice."

Pearl wandered over "Watcha two talking bout?" She questioned.

"An inkling that knows octoling?!" Shiver exclaimed

"Yep, Rina here taught me." Pearl replied leaning against Marina.

Shiver groaned and clutched their stomach "I'm gonna throw up.." They warned before leaning over the couch as to not dirty the blanket and emptied their stomach contents.

The sound caught Frye and Big Man's attention as the two looked over, Big Man looked away as to not vomit himself. Frye rushed to the small kitchen to grab a glass of water for the octoling, she walked back and avoided the puddle and handed Shiver the water. Shiver nodded a took small sips. "Frye is gonna take you to the bathroom so you can take a shower and brush your teeth, probably brush your teeth first, it'll get the taste out." Marina said grabbing the mop and bucket.

Frye picked Shiver up again and took them over to the bathroom "Lemme grab you a tooth brush." She said "Wait can you speak or even just under stand inkling?"

Shiver nodded "Inkling not very good, but yes."

"Ah ha!" Frye called out "Found it!" Frye handed Shiver a dark blue tooth brush as well as a tube of minty toothpaste.

Shiver took the items and put some of the toothpaste onto the brush and began brushing their teeth. They stopped at an estimated two minutes and spat the foamy paste out. They placed the brush and tube onto the counter and turned to face Frye once more "Oh! You never told me your name." Frye said.

"It's.. It's Shiver." They replied.

"Anyway, Shiver, do you prefer baths or showers?"

"Bath please."

"Do you prefer hot or cold?"

"More on the hot side."

Frye nodded as she started to run the bath "Do you need any help with it? I'm only asking because you lost a lot of blood and with your wounds you need to be careful with trying not to get the soap into your wounds." Frye rambled.

"Yes please, it would be very much appreciated."

"I'll grab something for me to wear while I help you, just so then it's not too awkward." Frye said walking out of the room to grab some clothes for herself before quickly changing in her bedroom, she walked out and back into the bathroom closing the door.

Shiver was already sitting in the bath, once Frye entered the room they looked over to her. Frye sat on the edge of the bath and grabbed the loofah and put some floral scented soap onto it. Frye gently scrubbed Shiver's back and avoided the large wound on their back. She moved to their arms and paused "Is it okay if I touch your chest? just to clean." Frye asked.

Shiver nodded, Frye continued scrubbing moving around their chest scrubbing the dried blood and dirt away. She moved down to their stomach and paused again "Is it okay if I clean your legs and thighs?"

Shiver nodded once more. Frye placed the loofah onto the octolings legs and began to softly scrub. Once Frye was finished she placed the loofah back onto the side and cupped water into her hands and trickled it down their body. Shiver hissed as the warm water touched the area where their fin used to be "It's okay, it's just water, there was dirt in the wound anyway." Frye reassured "It's all done now, you can stay in the bath a little bit longer if you want."

Shiver smiled "I'll stay a bit, but can you stay with me, I just don't want to feel alone. Nothing romantic! Nothing at all, just don't like feeling alone."

"It's totally cool, I can stay with you." Frye replied.

The two sat in the bathroom for ages just chatting, it wasn't until Pearl knocked on the door and yelled "You two better not be fucking in there!"

Bothe the inkling and octoling burned with blush "WE ARENT, WE WERE JUST TALKING!!" Frye yelled back frantically.

"Uh huh! Sureeeeee..!" Pearl replied.

"You might want to look away, I'm going to hop out." Shiver said.

Frye nodded and looked the opposite direction, she could hear the water sloshing and clothes ruffling "You can turn back now."

Frye turned back around and slammed the door open hitting Pearl in the head "That's what you get for eavesdropping." Frye said with a mischievous smile.

Shiver walked out after Frye and looked around the room, the mop and bucket sat in the corner of the room and the floor had been cleaned. Marina walked over to Shiver "I need to put new bandages on, I don't want your wounds getting infected." She said.

Shiver nodded. The two sat on the couch, Marina bandaging Shiver's back, they had their shirt pulled up enough to show their wound but hide their chest. Their arm had already been patched up once more "All done, you can put your shirt back down." Marina spoke.

Shiver dropped their shirt as it covered their body once more. Moonlight filtered through the curtains of the apartment as Pearl and Marina bid farewell, Big Man had left awhile ago. "You can sleep in my bed tonight, we can share if your comfortable with it." Frye said handing Shiver a bowl of miso soup.

Shiver began to eat like a hungry wolf and is a minute or two the food was gone "We can share your bed." They said "Ist getting late, we should turn in."

Frye nodded and led Shiver to the bed room. In the middle of the room sat a queen sized bed, Frye crawled under the covers and patted the spot next to her. Shiver followed staying as close to the edge as possible "You can move closer to the middle if you want. I don't want you falling off the bed." Frye said sleepily.

Shiver scooched a little bit, the two soon fell asleep.

[WOAH, a chapter over 1000 word, slay for me. That is the end of this chapter, I hope you enjoyed. Any feed back is much appreciated]

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