The Past Repeats Itself (part 1)

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[ TW: descriptions of blood and injury as well as mentions of murder and death. Kind of an AU where Commander Tartar and Mr Grizz live and start working together]

Frye sat at the New Squidbeak Splatoon hide out, tears fell down her face, Shiver had gone missing last night when they had gone to get food. Callie, Marie and both Captain 3's were doing their best to locate the famous octoling. With more activity of sanitized octolings and hairy octolings agent 4 suggested that the octarian army took back their strongest soldier, DJ Octavio seems to agree with the theory. They had planned a mission for the next day to go down to the deep sea metro to see if they could find Shiver.

As the moon hung high in the sky Frye was forced to go back to her apartment by Big Man. Frye didn't get a wink of sleep and just layed awake in her bed. As the next day rolled around Frye packed some of Shiver's favourite foods in a bag as well with other rations and drinks. She put on her agent outfit and wandered the streets to the entrance to the hide out.

"So 3, 8, DJ Octavio and Marina will be going with you on the mission as they have some knowledge of the metro layout." Marie briefed Frye on the mission and task.

Frye nodded holding a strong grip on her knapsack. After Marie briefed the whole team they made their way to the closest entry to the metro, which just so happened to be the one Shiver first appered from. New splotches of tar tar and fuzzy ooze coated the walls. As the team made their way further and further into the underground structure more sanitised octolings tried to attack, they were able to deture them enough to get past. After a while mangled body's sprinkled the floors "Something bad happened here, something real bad." 8 muttered.

"Matches the reports of when Shiver went haywire." Octavio commented.

Marina hummed "We seem to be closing in on their estimated location."

A thud sounded from not too far in front of them. 3 signaled for them to stay silent as she slowly crept forward, weapon in hand. A large blue blur jumped from the ceiling and attacked 3, an ear splitting scream broke the silence. The blur backed away readying to attack again, 8 swiftly dragged 3 back to the group and looked at her injury "Cover me, I need to treat her wound immediately." He said grabbing a small med kit from his bag.

"Got it." Frye replied drawing her own weapon.

The blur came at the inkling but she was able to deflect it, the attacker hit the wall right under a light "Shiver?!" She exclaimed.

Shiver was covered from the elbows down in bright blue, glowing tar tar. Frye splatted some of her yellow ink on the ground before charging at her partner. Shiver's sharky teeth growled before launching themself at Frye. Shiver pinned Frye to the ground, snarling and bearing fangs. Frye shot the shark hybrid in the face with ink before pushing them off her and standing up once more.

Frye sprinted towards Shiver before placing the length off the gun against their throat, pinning them to the floor "Dont your dare!" Shiver screamed, a seemingly second electronic voice backed their own.

"Trust me, I dont want to do this either." Frye muttered, holding back tears.

Shiver gripped and scratched at Frye's exposed arms leaving bloody tails. As Frye pressed her weapon harder into Shiver's throat, the octoling cough and sputtered, their breathing grew heavy as their airway stopped providing large amounts of oxygen. Shiver tried to push the inkling off them but Frye was over all stronger, pressing her full body weight into her arms.

After one more choking noise Shiver blacked out, Frye remained there for a minute or two before slowly easing off her weight. A blooming bruise had started appearing along Shiver's scared neck. Frye breathed a heavy sigh as fat tears rolled down her face "I'm so sorry lovely, I never wanted this to happen." Frye whispered.

She crouched to Shiver's side and placed her arms underneath their back and knees and hauled the unconscious octoling up "Are we good to go or do you need to patch 3 up more?" Frye asked "Knowing Shiv they won't stay down for long."

"We're good to go." 8 replied putting and are under 3's to help her manuver.

Frye began to walk toward the exit "Hold on Frye, I need to go fist, you need to be protected, need to make sure they don't take Shiver back." Marina half yelled jogging in front of the two.

DJ Octavio stayed towards the back making sure no one snuck up on the group. Frye continued to whisper words to her unconscious lover.

After they exited the horrid metro with no more run ins with octarien soldiers the group continued to walk towards the dessert hide out.

[That is the end of this chapter, I hope you enjoyed. Any feed back is much appreciated]

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